Guess there’s no better time to say it here since things have cleared up and I’m back, but—
I have DID. After I got sick with norovirus early last week, there was a switch longer than ANY we’ve ever had and I was gone from host for days while a new alter Indigo took my place and kept things in line
I have DID. After I got sick with norovirus early last week, there was a switch longer than ANY we’ve ever had and I was gone from host for days while a new alter Indigo took my place and kept things in line
Since then, signs and behavior are more frequent and this latest event has shown me I can’t really hide it anymore without detriment
Indigo does not mind very much, but the others are protective of their space
Obviously I’m very green regarding all this still and I’m getting used to the changes happening to my life, but I can answer questions if I’m comfy!