just after I fell, Kitty began to avoid me. He ran around more, avoided me, and eventually moved on. I was crushed. I couldn’t believe he left me. I had to get little Pinto Bean to recover.
Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry, this is a hard read. Cats really do their own thing, he may have moved on anyway, especially if he came as a stray, they often have more than 1 household. I think there is one good thing in all of this, you found little Pinto Bean and he is gorgeous!
This kitty broke my heart last year. He came visiting as a stray, moved in, stole my heart. He stayed about 2 years. Then I fell. Hard. I fractured my tailbone in multiple places. Fractured my pelvis. I did soft-tissue damage which still hasn’t healed. The fall pushed me into a wheelchair. 1/2