Protect norms and institutions
Protect norms and institutions
Protect norms and institutions
Protect norms and institutions
Protect norms and institutions
Protect norms and institutions
Protect norms and institutions
Garland’s refusal to immediately arrest & prosecute Donald Trump for dereliction of duty alone has set a dangerous precedent that will be incredibly difficult to reverse.
The next 4 years under Trump will accelerate America’s descent even faster.
I was there they caught me🤣🤣🥲
Thanks Biden for getting him that job and thanks Garland for doing jack squat.
4 years, nothing.
You complicit pos😡
You doing so creates more vacancies for him to install loyalists, which could continue to do damage long after his 4 years are over.
Resistance 2025 counts on everyone not giving in to his fascist whims.
Maybe the third of Americans who were so amoral that they didn't vote will wake up in the ashes.
They won’t do that here.
As they say on a plane before an emergency landing: Brace! Brace! Brace!
I'm sorry, elections have consequences. The voters chose chaos.
Protect AND REFORM norms and institutions
Protect AND REFORM norms and institutions
Protect AND REFORM norms and institutions
Isn't that what Democrats said they were doing in this past election ... protecting democracy and the rule of law? Not to mention, protecting the neo-liberal order, you know like deregulating the economy and making it safe for corporate America. Harsh? We lost, bigly!
DOJ is about to undergo a sad transition.
Rule of law is dying.
(Sorry, I do that sometimes...)
That attitude is unforgivable. To me, anyway.
Our democracy was worth it.
🎵. Here’s the story of ugly man named Donnie
Who was busy with nine insurrectionist of his own
They were ten men and women betraying our country together!
Yet they were not alone
The Donnie Pardon Family
The Donnie Pardon Family🎵
#HunterBiden #Pardons
#StopTheMadness #JusticeForAll #CivilRights #HumanRights #Decency #TheConstitution #Democracy #TheRepublic #America #Civility #Integrity #Honor #LadyJustice
U.S. Senate: Contacting U.S. Senators
Why should I potentially wreck my life for a country that just voted to flush itself down the shitter?
So if a critical mass of skilled staff leave (or are fired) it may be that nothing Trump "wants" will get done.
On the other's gonna be scary either way.
We’re doomed.
Lf a job?
We have to do it ourselves. Come to grips with that.
& then their positions are filled w/ people w/ no integrity
Let's gooooooooooooooo!!
#memes #satire #starwars
Ooo, and the Republican Party.
Failed institutions.
They must go.
Nothing will stop them before they have devoured everything digestible or whole structure comes crashing down.
Remember to remain NON-VIOLENT.
Use your voice and your pen.
Teach the girls how to fight dirty. (YBMC)
Teach boys to respect/protect women.
There is no time to lose! Start NOW.
We don’t need to defend everything just because it’s there. Dems are just as frustrated by the issues we all encounter too.
Get busy with ideas, or accept the loss
do you have a response to joe pardoning hunter yet or is your feeble mind still buffering?
We absolutely need to first hold those with the power & money to have done something, yet didn't, responsible
It's part of the greater social contract. That's why we allow their privilege
Norms and institutions lead Trump to the white house.
Use the “new norms” they’ve attempted to implement for human and civil rights purposes
Game over.
Trump-proofing should be Dem's version of Project 2025.
Trump would, by definition, become a domestic president in exile. Government’s power comes from its people.
This reminds me of a Getty quote