Absolutely agree with a “daily update” as a way to combat lies, keep public updated on Dem wins. Also heard Michael Cohen/Vindman interview to focus on ONE or 2 talking points per news cycle so the message is amplified and cohesive.
I truly think if the leadership and other vocal Dems (Buttigieg) just daily hammered in on the economy, that would be a start, since that is one big reason people voted for Trump.
Yes agree, folks are getting hit. Dem delivery needs more a WWF wrestler 💪 and less the church lady ❄️ . Or like Cohen said, more like a Burger King ad. Where are the marketing geniuses when we need them
Enough weak minds with poor judgment had been exposed to copious amounts of bad information.
Absent this, the only reasonable choice was Harris/Walz.
Dems need to start taking the 'stupid vote' more seriously.
if too many people vomited for Harris the bloodthirsty Christi fascist genocidal jihadist democrats would claim that means everyone supports all genocides. So i reasonably decided that if it was this close you deserve to lose
The only thing that went wrong is that physical ballots were not recounted after the election because something is not adding up and Trump has been checking every box on Putin's wishlist since he got back in.
OKAY .. enough of xwhat happened.
WHAT are the Democrats going to do in the future.
Universal health care
No lobbying by retired congress
No stock investments by active congress
No federal finds to private schools
No subsidies to oil companies
This doesn’t matter now. We are fighting a much greater battle now than an election campaign. It is a battle for the constitution. Focus on that please!
Democrats need to listen to George Lakoff. Come on - it’s not that hard. Do like the Republicans do. A talking point a day in criticism of Trump. Every Dem repeats it.
Dumbass Democrats have internalized this notion that change happens slowly and incrementally.
Dumbass Democrats would still rather lose with a moderate than win with a Progressive.
Dumbass Democrats tried to beat the right at their own game.
As a Cdn, many of us were shocked & appalled that Trump was not only able to run for the Presidency in 2016 given his known history since the 80s as a pathological liar, conman & fraudster but actually gained such. Your MSM's negligence is largely responsible for that as too his 2024 victory.
There's a reason why US media's outranked (at #55) by EVERY allied nation worldwide as too many others on the GLOBAL Press Freedom Index; it prioritizes $ profits & access to political power over delivering unfiltered ugly truths to the public. https://rsf.org/en/index
"...the vice-president told me, 'get off social media'..."
And then the void is filled by the 1000 talking heads for trump who have figured that the electorates attention span can only cope with the 30 second sound bytes that exist on social media. Lesson there.
Of course you would have to make this *clearly* farcical and satirical…
§ 11.432 Impersonating a public servant.
A person commits a misdemeanor if he or she falsely pretends to hold a position in the public service with purpose to induce another to submit to such pretended official authority…
Nothing went wrong, Musk cheated & they kicked 100‘s of thousands, millions? Off the red state voter registrations, that is what went wrong they had 4 years to figure out how to steal an election from under our noses, and they did it
Absent this, the only reasonable choice was Harris/Walz.
Dems need to start taking the 'stupid vote' more seriously.
WHAT are the Democrats going to do in the future.
Universal health care
No lobbying by retired congress
No stock investments by active congress
No federal finds to private schools
No subsidies to oil companies
Dumbass Democrats have internalized this notion that change happens slowly and incrementally.
Dumbass Democrats would still rather lose with a moderate than win with a Progressive.
Dumbass Democrats tried to beat the right at their own game.
Dumbass Democrats got in their own way.
And then the void is filled by the 1000 talking heads for trump who have figured that the electorates attention span can only cope with the 30 second sound bytes that exist on social media. Lesson there.
Everyone can voice their concerns to the fake congressperson — have it recorded and sent to the person.
Invite every bit of press you can.
§ 11.432 Impersonating a public servant.
A person commits a misdemeanor if he or she falsely pretends to hold a position in the public service with purpose to induce another to submit to such pretended official authority…