As Aerion rose to his full height, he took a breath speaking with pride in his heart.
"I am Prince Aerion Targargyen son of good King Viserys Targargyen, and I am from westeros "
This was a new land so he spoke with respect also he did not want to offend anyone.
But he also did not to be
"I am Prince Aerion Targargyen son of good King Viserys Targargyen, and I am from westeros "
This was a new land so he spoke with respect also he did not want to offend anyone.
But he also did not to be
Funny she had not heard of westeros, it was a distance away tho.
Not one to back down Aerion leaned forward a bit as he spoke slowly and directly to her.
His eye's locked with hers .
"First please call me Prince Aerion, second
With that he crossed his arm's together and waited in momentary silence.