Thought but this Queen new little about him or what he was capable of, but Aerion was not hear for a fight.
"Guards a wise precaution, but if I wanted to harm you or anyone hear in France it would not be difficult, I have something I'm sure you don't have. But rest assured your Majesty i mean you
"Guards a wise precaution, but if I wanted to harm you or anyone hear in France it would not be difficult, I have something I'm sure you don't have. But rest assured your Majesty i mean you
Aerion paused as he spoke, he spoke only the truth.
"I have something outside I wish to show you something I'm fairly certain you don't have in france"
Two warring Queens at war, Queen Mary sounded like the better Queen.
He wondered what started this war, why this other Queen wanted to rule the know world.
As Mary stopped Aerion stopped to face her. ++