He must be honest with her.
"I have a dragon who could easily slay your enemies "
Aerion doubted there were such things as dragon's in England.
But one never knows since this was a unknown land to him.
He only hoped he could find what he had came for.
"I have a dragon who could easily slay your enemies "
Aerion doubted there were such things as dragon's in England.
But one never knows since this was a unknown land to him.
He only hoped he could find what he had came for.
My enemies would not know what hit them. That is if I would be able to use your dragon against them.
As they walked he took in her ever word he was a good judge of character and knew she told the truth.
As he stopped for a moment he turned to face her, he had more questions he needed to answer. ++
War was not new to Aerion, but still he disliked it.
But he had come hear for a purpose a most urgent one and he must fulfill that purpose.