Well well well, seems I was correct about this twerp. He’s actively abusing his position of power within the moderation team to suppress zoos. Pathetic behavior from this cretin. #ZooPride
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They tried to put me on blast on their account, thinking that the plausible deniability of having my handle taken out while also keeping the hashtag in would keep them safe from reporting them for harassment.
The part that really tickles my ball sack is when they try to hide my username when they do, in fact, want people to come and harass me. Like I just wish they’d stop being such a pussy and to be honest I don’t even really care if they put my @ out there just more for the block list.
Yeah, he has a team of ghouls (and most definitely a scraper) looking at massive amount of bsky profiles. The only reason this absolute fuckstick is allowed to be here is because he has a position of power.