Today, in supplementary estimates, CPC members again voted against assisting Ukraine.
Consistently, in every vote, CPC voted against assisting Ukraine.
Consistently, in every vote, CPC voted against assisting Ukraine.
If Con operatives could launder $ for illegal drugs/weapons/human trafficking with Ukraine, they’d increase defence spending.
Harper aided criminals firing sniffer dogs/border guards/intel officers.
Federally Albertans vote Conservative. Not me, ever!
Are Ukrainians ok with no support for the war Russia has inflicted on Ukraine. Isn’t this the (C)CCP’s (yes done deliberately) base os supporters.
Doesn’t appear to be very smart. 🧐
That, coupled with intense dislike of Trudeau may explain how they would still vote Con.
Having a feeling of 'wanting' Russia to end the war does dick all.
I guess we'll never know.