all hands!?
WTF they’re all engineers.
You cannot make the cyber truck safe to drive. It would have to be completely re engineered. It would need to stop anti tank missiles as well as a GAU 8/A Avenger. Probably both at the same time. It’s most likely what a dedicated team of operators would use.
That's a mission even the divine couldn't win because Elon's cybertruck is that faulty. I mean how many are going to spontaneously combust before he admits he's the poser we all know he is. He didn't invent tesla. He was a series A investor who pushed the 2 guys who created tesla out and then lied
The only way to rescue the brand is for Deutschebank to demand the whole company for their loan against xitter, oust him and his cronies, and get the real founders back.
When a brand becomes this toxic there is no rescue. In addition there are electric cars from China, Europe and the US that are newer technologies and a fraction of the price.
“When my kid was one we totally covered his stroller with a paper mache Back to the Future Delorean! Maybe we could do something like that with the Beast…?”
WTF they’re all engineers.
You cannot make the cyber truck safe to drive. It would have to be completely re engineered. It would need to stop anti tank missiles as well as a GAU 8/A Avenger. Probably both at the same time. It’s most likely what a dedicated team of operators would use.
I would hope they can do it tho
Make one out of a golf cart!
That's the ticket!
*Same rule if the Speaker of the House's Chief of Staff is driving.