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You can't tell the difference between a Wave to quiet your audience and a NAZI SALUTE⁉️Your a FOOL🖕🏻
Got any videos to contextualize these screenshots?
It’s the MAGAs only defense to take things out of context to prove their points
How ignorant can you be?
It’s a troll. Report/block. We kick shit to the curb here.
Fuck Nazis and fuck you.
lol I love how they make up shit all the time.
Hahahah they blocked my context response
Sad I still have to keep reposting this and say: “where is your video context to back your pictures?” Here’s ours
Ok, show us the video?
STFU idiot. Things taken out of context so you can do Whataboutism. Just STFU.
Don’t feed the trolls. I bet they’re on other social media apps declaring “no one is on BlueSky. Yet here they are trolling. Let their disgusting selves and their ai images be met with silence.
Please post a video complication of these so we could properly discuss!
Your party of double standards and gaslighting doesn't work here
Yes, it appears they do want to play that game because it would not be tolerated by anyone - Rep or Dems. If someone makes an “awkward gesture” without immediately apologizing for “accidentally” using a gesture that is related to millions of people gassed - call them out.