Yesterday and today, I tried numerous times to get through the Capital switchboard and could not get through. The switchboard was overwhelmed. Call repeatedly, even if you fail. That means they are getting overwhelming pushback. Call 202-224-3121. If you succeed, teach them a civics lesson.
You suck Warren! The Dems need to get out of the way, you are proving that you are incapable of stopping a fascist takeover. Fascists don't take over because they are smart, they are common thugs. They take over because the opposition sucks! We need a workers party!
Same. The ONLY reason I started using Venmo was because of the consumer protections that were put into place. If the protections go, I go. Simple as that.
Why don't you go to an attorney general and actually file charges; have a judge sign off on the warrant, utilize the loyal federal agents (that care about the Constitution) and go arrest musk?
Charge Trump with treason while you're at it. Arrest them!!!
Hey Liz, we sure are being scammed by all the feckless morons fucking us in DC. Save your words and focus on something that matters like saving our country from an oligarchy.
What are you doing to stop the war on American Democracy? The illegal overthrowing of our government?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! You are elected by the people and you have a duty to protect us and our rights and our freedoms. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!
Did You walk out last night??
Or did You hold up a Sign?
Forget Venmo or Cash App We’re getting Scammed by Democrats who won’t feel the cuts to Medicare Medicaid and Social Security and CHOSE to sit on Your Asses except for Al Green
Tariffs are just another way to transfer the wealth of the bottom 99% of US workers to those at the top that already have billions because their greed has no bounds.
"If you're tired of waiting ages for Musk to get around to stealing all your money via DOGE, why not sign up for XMoney? It's the fantastic new way to get robbed by the Space Nazi, from the comfort of your smartphone. No middlemen. Sign up today!"
All that time in the senate and you never ONCE went to Joe Biden to demand he appoint an AG ready, willing and able to do what had to be done?
Didn't you see what was happening?
Didn't you realize that THAT was the time to stop tRUmp?
I mean, I know what she should do and what every decent citizen of the world should do if they’re in a room with him. But I can’t say it anymore without fear of the gestapo
We’ve been in a bloody one-sided civil war for decades now. Young white males radicalized with racist rightwing viewpoints have been slaughtering innocents for so long now it’s just part of our nations identity.
This agency is essential! I’ve used them both professionally and personally. They’re like BBB but with teeth where companies actually resolve issues in short order instead of blowing consumers off
In fairness, if anyone uses “X Money” they’re basically asking to be ripped off. The truth is the feds are going to end the CFPB anyway and Americans will need to be smarter about things because their gov is working against them.
With all due respect. Even if we hypothetically maintain these regulations in place. It wouldn't fucking matter because (F)elon is doing what the fuck he wants with impunity. That's the fucking issue here. If he was arrested all fucking ready. We wouldn't be dealing with this period.
Folks don’t eat our own. Don’t do MAGA’s work. Would we like the Dems to act in the moment? Yes, but we must be respectful & guide them. They’ve been in the bubble of the institution. Let MAGA be the haters not us to leaders like Sen. Warren. She’s been a stellar Senator
Americans won’t have any money left to worry about Venmo, avocados are going to cost $80 and we are losing our rights as the days go on. Democrats might be looking for mineral mining or logging jobs at one of the state parks along with the rest of us.
The GOP has gone full fascist. The obvious Russian asset Krasnov is threatening the GOP members and their families with violence who might vote against Putin's agenda. Use your connections in the intelligence agencies to expose this treason. History is watching.
Musk is Krasnov's GRU handler.
Look. I'm all democrat. 100% at this point. But I am also not blind to the amount of corrupt democrats either. We are DONE WITH THE OLD WHITE MEN WE WANT THE YOUNG DIVERSE WOMEN!!!! AOC, PORTER, CROCKETT!!! IF YOU OWN INDIVIDUAL STOCK YOU NEED TO BE OUSTED PERIOD!!!! I DON'T CARE WHAT PARTY YOU ARE
Senator Warren, if you ever get a chance to ask Ellen or his employee Donald a question , please ask them this : Would you shut down a business that brings in 4 billion in profit at a cost of 400 million ?
Living with paraplegia means daily challenges. I'm raising funds for an enclosed mobility scooter to boost my independence and improve my quality of life. Every donation truly matters. Your support means the world to me. More details on my GoFundMe. Donating or sharing is great.
This is what weak Democrats look like, only one person standing up last night proves it. Nearly every government agency has been hacked and we are watching a coup in plain sight. Dems make signs. 🤬
Elon and Donald already had the CFPB drop their lawsuit against Zelle and 3 big banks for not properly investigating and restoring customers who had been defrauded. They're rewarding bad actors in the market and allowing fraud to prevail.
I have 0 faith that GOP has any intent of serving the American people. Your appeal is to people who have a conscious and a spine. I appreciate the gesture, but they will gut CFPB for Elon's well-being. It was never about us for them. Just their own pocketbooks.
A great thing to have choice would’ve been for all Dems to have walked out after Al Green was removed last night. He insulted you last night in front of everyone. I know you’ve taken the high road, but leaving would’ve been a powerful statement to he and his bullies.
Republicans, don’t cower to the traitor Trump. History will judge you not just by what you do, but by what you fail to stand up to. Honor your love and respect for this country—speak out.
Americans must perform the following protocols PERMANENTLY OUSTING ELON MUSK from United States Of America:
Please carefully read screenshots and begin performing the imperative protocols insuring Congressional Representatives must protect US Constituents’ best interests.
1. First Screenshot correction.
2. DOGE Hackers and DOGE
Personnel Graphic
3. Revoke all Elon Musk’s USA
Government Contracts
Musk’s Financial Assets
5. USA Government PERMANENT
BAN denying conducting
business with Elon Musk’s
Corporations Please check reading my posts confirming my projected foresight↔️1/25/2025–Elon Musk was culling Americans’ private information: ALL AMERICANS must SOLELY utilize his financial platform!
Yes…. It was such a great platform. It’s now the platform of the antichrist .. I left the day musk allowed trump back on… never looked back. Tried a few others & ended here. Threads wasn’t bad but it’s owned by Zuckerberg 🤡 so I left, he’s a loser
Thank you for the fight, but do you truly think you fellow senators, especially the GQP, give a flying buck about protecting Americans? They can't even stand up for Ukraine. We are now the bad guys
Speaking as a registered Democrat, you lazy ass invertebrate career politicians don’t get one more dime of support or vote until you start doing something about this bullshit. Otherwise come midterms we’re voting you all out for actual representatives. Then you’ll have to find actual jobs.
I follow that. And see the irony of trying to disrupt the checks and balances between those three. Right now they are good at suppressing their points of friction from the public, but that should change as each believes they should be the final tyrant. Because there can be only one! (Giggles)
You nailed this 100%. They are all using the felon as their puppet because he pulled the “base” to the polls. I hope you are correct about an internal war amongst themselves.
Setting up a shady behind the scenes crypto system with Kushner,Dismantling or attacking CFPB and FDIC while cramming horrific economic policies Down The Whole World's throat killing the economy on purpose..why?
Killing FEMA gutting NOAA gutting the NWS right before hurricane season... why?
How about the dismantling of the FDIC that seems way more troubling than this cfpd is only if you get scammed FDIC is for everybody it prevents them from closing the banks down because of a run
my heartfelt thanks senator Warren for always fighting for what is best for the american people. i admire u so much and always have. you are one of the best democrats and frankly put many of them to shame
Elizabeth, listen up. Get up off your ass and freaking do something. You sat there last night in silence. We don't want to hear from you unless it's how you are going to fight fascism.
I stand with Al Green.
Its a shame you cant say the same.
Useless coward... do us all a favor and retire. Go home and enjoy your lifetime free money and free healthcare while we fight the battle you wouldn't.
"Since the CFPB is a creation of Congress, it would require a separate act of Congress to formally eliminate it....
Yet Elon Musk commented, “CFPB RIP” on social media site X on Friday. And the CFPB homepage on the Internet was down Sunday, replaced by a message reading “page not found.”
"Rep. Keith Self, R-Texas, has introduced H.R. 814 and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas has introduced S. 303. A federal judge temporarily has blocked the Trump Administration from dismantling the bureau."
Well, Ms. Warren, it doesn't matter "what side I'm on." You ass hats lost both houses and they can do what they want. Maybe get a message that resonates with the majority of Americans, or get rid of people like Pelosi who has spent 30+ years in office. Buckle up it's going to be a wild ride.
I wouldn't say a "majority." A bunch yes, but not majority. But, that only becomes relevant in 2026. Complaining about an upcoming vote and asking me what side I'm on is laughable. There's not a damn thing we can do to stop it. If the crooked scumbags want to pass it, they will.
Still wondering how not to get scammed. I'm no Senator. I can't vote on this. You've offered me something valuable, but delivered nothing. I still don't want to get scammed. #wordsmatter
Sure wish you yelled KRASNOV when he resorted to his juvenile name calling last night. Hard to think of sometimes in the moment but boy would that have been gold.
Nothing you say matters until you stop using paperwork in place of guns. Armed removal is the ONLY way to get rid of that fascist. Pretending this is just politics is going to get us all killed!
It's just another avenue to destroy America from within. Promote fraud, lawlessness, and criminal activity to take us down. Great enablers, you are the new Donazi Party everyone will read about for decades to come. What a disgrace to your family name. #Traitors #Cult #Cowards
The American people deserve representatives who do not legitimize terrorists and fascists and the coup they’re implementing. was the only MA Rep who made us proud last night. Please resign, you are making things worse. Thank you, from a MA resident.
Thank you for sharing this. Also, thank you for breaking it down into "regular folk" talk. Voters need that. Unfortunately, your colleagues in the Senate often choose big business over little people. What are your thoughts on how to change that tendency?
Asking your fellow senators isn't going to do a damn bit of good. Because Democrats don't have majority and the other group wants to see Elon Musk get everything because he'll pay for their re-election. Got to figure out another way.
Still shocked that the same people who complain to me about finances dismiss the CFPB not knowing anything about it. They voted “low prices” but are ok with techie consumer scams, layoffs, and tariffs. Not to mention the dollar losing value. Cutting off our noses…
And what was their answer? Democrats are bringing plastic butter knives to an all out war. There has to be a way to stop the pillaging of our government. These mass firings are illegal. These executive orders are illegal. These cabinet appointments are ludicrous. Band together and stop this.
Dude, why did you sit up there and did NOTHING last night at the SOTU. He called you pocachontas ffs. Stop taking the high road to nowhere 😡😡😡 yall should’ve followed Al Greene
This was a foreseeable PR disaster for Democrats; now they have become the butt of the jokes for late night comedians after being humiliated by Trumb. The only right move would have been not to show up. Never been more ashamed of Democrats than watching them biting their lips in impotence and rage.
Great. Do something about it; unlike what happened last night during that ridiculous speech where only ONE representative made a real show of solidarity with the American people.
Another one! These freaky "you didn't do this one thing so you suck!" bots that distract from the person actually doing something and telling us how to help.
I don't get it.
Off to contact my reps to add my voice to all the others saying CFPB matters. Thank you EW for the heads up.
I am dissenting.
We've had two very good presidents over the last twenty years and Congress hasn't done their part to sufficiently stand up to the Republicans. This compromise and meet in the middle bullshit has only emboldened them and slid our country into authoritarianism.
I'm calling out my Democratic Representatives to do more than just talk. I'm going to protests. I'm sharing information. I'm doing what I can as a citizen. I expect more than just consumer warnings from the people that we elected to represent us. Grow a spine.
We are not bots. We are ppl absolutely disappointed and disgusted w the lack of action or resistance from our so-called leaders—smack dab in the middle of a coup fjc. Stop screeching abt bots and pay attention! If you don’t get it, I have to ask if you are reading & learning for THIS envt.
bot?... is it seriously that hard to believe that the complicity displayed last night by the dems pissed enough people off to sign up for an account here & say something?
if you think i'm GPT or something, my handle is the same on all other socials. your take here is very dismissive in my opinion.
but hey great input, i'll go tell my friends & acquaintances who are scared shitless everyday of being abducted and deported somewhere they've never even been, to just call their local representative. i'm sure that will do the trick!
Or send them to the information being distributed by reps to help them fight ice
There are printable cards. They have instructions on how to roam neighborhoods with a megaphone and shout this in Spanish (it's even written phonetically)
They are trying to find paths to resistance and sharing them
Maybe share some solutions with your complaints. Build up more than you tear down.
I work in the trades. I leave these laying around when I pick up materials. Pin them to bulletin boards when I see them. Mine are mostly pink bc I have to by ink but the words work.
i'm a white upper-middle class texan kid and even i can see how ridiculously out-of-touch you have to be with those in need, to think sitting in silence and "taking the high road" in 2025 while we lose and lose and lose and fucking lose, is somehow going to pay off long-term. it never has.
Not a bot. Just a disappointed, American pissed off at the Democratic leadership that's letting itself get trampled by the Republicans. Again. Continuously. I'm showing up at protests. I expect more from senators.
I would much prefer to see a chain of action items about how senators and house representatives are combatting this executive administration. I can see the consumer protections being removed and the increasing corruption. It's apparent. Warnings are not action.
For those of you ignorant to the finance sector this means that your ability to easily connect those accounts and transfer money between them would go byebye because your bank does not want to deal with the inevitable fraud increase this would cause.
I love you so much, Elizabeth, but what are you DOING? We're all so anxious, but we're not seeing action. Is there impeachment in the works? A lot of us would love to hear about action taken or pending. Thank you for all you do.
Why don't you go to an attorney general and actually file charges; have a judge sign off on the warrant, utilize the loyal federal agents (that care about the Constitution) and go arrest musk?
Charge Trump with treason while you're at it. Arrest them!!!
Go get 'em with all you got.
Fuk U elon & maga
Remember they work for us, we pay their salaries!
Or did You hold up a Sign?
Forget Venmo or Cash App We’re getting Scammed by Democrats who won’t feel the cuts to Medicare Medicaid and Social Security and CHOSE to sit on Your Asses except for Al Green
You’re All Millionaires
Didn't you see what was happening?
Didn't you realize that THAT was the time to stop tRUmp?
If the goal is destroying the country before he can you have a great idea.
Can we at least finish all legal avenues first?
Musk is Krasnov's GRU handler.
Please carefully read screenshots and begin performing the imperative protocols insuring Congressional Representatives must protect US Constituents’ best interests.
Thank you so very much!
2. DOGE Hackers and DOGE
Personnel Graphic
3. Revoke all Elon Musk’s USA
Government Contracts
Musk’s Financial Assets
5. USA Government PERMANENT
BAN denying conducting
business with Elon Musk’s
Corporations Please check reading my posts confirming my projected foresight↔️1/25/2025–Elon Musk was culling Americans’ private information: ALL AMERICANS must SOLELY utilize his financial platform!
Now, about those accomplishments...
They will start fighting as they try to build a new government. Each has a different vision for the future:
Tech Bros = technofascism
Heritage Fnd. = theocracy
Russia = autocratic oligarchy
This must be stopped!
Protest! Resist!
Gay Valimont
FL 1 (Repl Matt Gaetz)
Josh Weil
FL6, (Repl Michael Waltz)
Blake Gendebien
(NY 21, Repl Stefanik)
“It’s” is a contraction for ”it is”
Killing FEMA gutting NOAA gutting the NWS right before hurricane season... why?
People who believe in genocide as a legitimate tool of diplomacy also believe in eugenics and push policies that further both.
Jesus, this is the stupidest timeline.
Its a shame you cant say the same.
Useless coward... do us all a favor and retire. Go home and enjoy your lifetime free money and free healthcare while we fight the battle you wouldn't.
Yet Elon Musk commented, “CFPB RIP” on social media site X on Friday. And the CFPB homepage on the Internet was down Sunday, replaced by a message reading “page not found.”
Be a hero by being the first to make these accusations!!!!
Deconstruction of the administrative state - by Steve Bannon
'“Deconstruction of the Administrative State' Means We Lose"
Published: Feb 24, 2017
Arbor day
Let's plant our future.
No work.
No school.
We occupy our towns, our capitals, DC.
Organize now.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE talk to the spirits and have them muzzel up our Great White Father in the White House. Cos he be fuckin crazy.....
Yes, that means you.
WHAT FORUM OR TRIBUNAL will you petition? Who will you partner with to generate & support the necessary Petition/ Complaint?
We MUST SEE YOUR ACTION not just hear your words
Thank you, Liz
I don't get it.
Off to contact my reps to add my voice to all the others saying CFPB matters. Thank you EW for the heads up.
We've had two very good presidents over the last twenty years and Congress hasn't done their part to sufficiently stand up to the Republicans. This compromise and meet in the middle bullshit has only emboldened them and slid our country into authoritarianism.
if you think i'm GPT or something, my handle is the same on all other socials. your take here is very dismissive in my opinion.
There are printable cards. They have instructions on how to roam neighborhoods with a megaphone and shout this in Spanish (it's even written phonetically)
They are trying to find paths to resistance and sharing them
Maybe share some solutions with your complaints. Build up more than you tear down.
I work in the trades. I leave these laying around when I pick up materials. Pin them to bulletin boards when I see them. Mine are mostly pink bc I have to by ink but the words work.
But these comments on the threads where we might get some traction make my heart sink.
Can't imagine what it's like for her. She's in the trenches with these jerks.
She is literally telling you that the Senate is voting TODAY on getting rid of the CFPB's ability to protect people from fraud with online cash apps.
She's telling people everywhere that their rep is about to choose between them and big$
Go call your rep
I agree with you completely.