youre so good at microexpressions the turmoil carved into viktors face is so haunting. like hes catastrophizing about how even now he's pulled apart from the 'right' jayce (mr chia) he just cant handle not being in control of a situation while jayce is listening to the birds
i love viktor's "wtf is happening, how did this happen, how did i end up here, wtf do i do with him, i want to kiss him but i also want to kinda curl up and die and he's talking about finding a place to stay and-" expression, he's so stressed out, while jayce is just... iunno, appreciating the view
LOL so true, yes sorry 😭 he and failstates jayce are equal subjects of my torment. but they'll both get a happy ending eventually, they just have to work for it
He reminds me of this old meme