"That's why every single job for the next couple of explanations will he receiving buffs that make them as powerful as picto, because this job is a perfected representation of the power scaling in this game."
Pictomancer is a great job in terms of design and decision making in fights. A shame some players online complain when you pick another spellcaster that ain't picto..
It literally just needs to do like RDM damage and its problem is probably solved? It has raid damage support and a party shield, it gets to be the more aggro version of a support caster vs RDM being more recovery-focused.
It’s kinda funny how outright busted Pictomancer is considering that Relm in FF6 was almost every bit as messy balance wise. History repeats itself I guess. 🤣
From my experience their damage mostly spikes up really high during party buff windows! I mostly pick them because they're the comfiest caster job I've ever played ♥ (short cast times & very mobile)
from a specific angle this is completely true, and that angle is that a number of jobs are horribly undertuned and need to be fixed and pictomancer is in fact not the problem.
I miss the innocent Endwalker days when I didn't have to worry about people locking their PF's caster slot to Picto because they can't press their buttons properly.
ok :3