Oh, you mean like the whole classified documents case that took four years and went nowhere? I do agree with you but I have to wonder why more safeguards aren’t put in place by Biden.
We don’t need a commission. We already know who’s responsible: McConnell, McCarthy, Jordan, Cruz, Collins, Kennedy, Hawley,etc etc etc. and the cowardice that got us here.We need strong articulate democrats who are fierce and willing to loudly fight everyday against this lawlessness and hypocrisy.
If I remember correctly, during Trump's first term, didn't he put some guy in charge of the media? Maybe the fact that we forgot about that is the reason main stream media remain silent? Don't forget that for some reason they didn't remove Dejoy and destroyed property and gave himself contracts.
Agree. I’ve been screaming this since Biden took the oath. Why he didn’t do this has left this country ripe for a takeover. It’s happening right before our eyes
KKKing Trump operates, thanks to our tainted SCOTUS, under the impression that they are exempt from being held accountable for any law breaking they commit.
There are no guardrails for KKKing Trump and his merry bunch of clowns.. he is above the law.
Our version of the Nuremberg trials. But it cannot be like after the civil war where we let the traitors off way too easily. No elected offices. Forfeit pensions and social security and loss of voting rights
These people do nothing but talk shit. How many committees,commissions, &probes do you need?They know who the enablers are.It’s no secret. No one does their job.No one gets held accountable.The entire system is rigged&corrupt.Common knowledge.The system either works or it doesn’t.Clearly it doesn’t
Plus a method for civilian ousting of a President. I recognize that the corrupt ( i.e. conservatives) could use it malignantly, but the corrupt will do anything anyway while the Just only have legal tools at hand.
And what makes any of us think there will be an end to the Trump era? Dictators don’t relinquish power and the Trump loyalist will continue the subjugation of a truly amazing country (The U.S.) and its people.
Unfortunately, there’s no way
Democrats would ever do this.
No amount of pressure from
base voters will ever compel
Democrats to put an
emergency mechanism
in place to remove incompetent
people from government.
Anything they tried would just
be turned into a weapon by
Republicans, anyhow.
Absolutely. Also this regime needs to be held accountable, including the congress members, for breaking their oath to protect the constitution & Americans from domestic terrorism which is exactly what DT & his syncopates are.
They never actually thought he had a chance again b/c until now no prez has ever served non-consecutive terms. Very painful, avoidable lesson. They should listen to us more and get their heads out they a$$es
All Presidential candidates should be vetted.Had they vetted trumpf they would have seen his history of corruption, money laundering, trafficking young girls, racism, and just pure thuggery.
That’s my greatest concern. Republicans act as if they are absolutely sure that there’s no way back; otherwise, they would be more attuned to public opinion.
Oh Lord, make me wrong!
And…make it clear to everybody that “A SITTING PRESIDENT CAN BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW”! We owe that to the American people. “Justice delayed is justice denied”.
Too little too late. We're not likely to escape this hell, and the repercussions of what the American public is allowing to happen to them will last for decades, if not longer.
I agree. The @Democrats should start compiling a list of every person, in and out of government, who has aided and is complicit with Trump's coup on our government for prosecution in the days and years ahead.
And a law where if you are a convicted criminal you cannot be president. And fix the gerrymandered districts. And term limits for judges. There lots to do.
Address climate change. For real.
Yes, this should all have been part of Dem strategy but it wasn't & that's the problem. After 💩Shizno💩 lost, everyone knew he would run again & Dems did nothing.
These politicians sound like they still believe we’re going to keep having elections as usual and just keep shuffling along. They don’t get it. They will never be in power again playing by the rules that don’t exist anymore.
And that is why they are using these side channel to communicate. They think if they don't use government computers and phones, there will be no record. There's always a record.
Dems need to stop apologizing for their beliefs. Also we need to define what dem is better to welcome those on the sidelines. There needs to be enough tolerance for varied points of view as long as we agree to core principles.
For me these are the core principles:
- A government of the people and by the people
- Equal rights for all law abiding citizens.
- Equal Justice under the law for all people.
- Freedom of speech
- The right to the pursuit of happiness in all ways that do not interfere with another's rights.
Of course there are more that don't fit in one post:
- Freedom of the Press
- The right to assembly (including unions)
Congress should make no laws infringing upon any of the above. That includes all of the categories that have been discriminated against in our history.
It should have NEVER gotten to this. The system was set up with checks and balances and these people take an oath to uphold OUR CONSTITUTION!!!
He should have been impeached end of story
Did you forget about the global pandemic, the J6 committee, and all the Jack Smith cases? People always expect unlimited amount of work and never put any onus on Rethugs 🙄
The J6 losers who stormed the capital are terrorists. They are lucky they just got jail time. They were treated too softly according to the constitution.
It’s Biden/Democrats biggest mistake. They did not shore up our democracy with laws and guidelines, when they had the power, to prevent the current shitshow we are now living in. Trump and his treasonous Jan 6 co-conspirators in Congress should have never been able to get back into office.
This needs to happen along with removal of presidential immunity. No POTUS before tRump needed such a ruling. The Sup. Court in complicit in this coup & autocracy of the tRump regime!
We are at war witt the enemy within.
Refuse fascism!
Revolution is now!
He and his cohorts need to be arrested and awaiting trial in jail. Not free to roam the countryside spreading their bile and never being held accountable.
This will be critical; otherwise, what's to stop the next administration to ignore all the norms established over centuries of governance? They need to fear for their freedom 👨⚖️
Independent prosecutors overseen by independent judges. Full public transparency for non- national security specific information.
Top to bottom accountability for everyone involved. Start with bans from public office as a bare minimum consequence for anyone proven to have crossed a line.
Cabinet pics submitted ahead of time and pass a full in depth back ground checks. Removed if they are found to have lied during their confirmation hearings, militia under Supreme Court rule to arrest President for constitutional crimes. No pacs, no stock trading, grifting, full transparency, limits
..on campaign funds and who can donate. No outside funds, fact based campaigns, propaganda and misinformation disqualifies your run for office. No felons in any positions in government. Random drug and alcohol testing, termination if found under influence. I’ve been making a list.
And a purge of anyone Trump hired. It is an infection and all of it has to be rooted out. And an expansion of our Supreme Court together with real ethics rules. No more incrementalism. No more BS and start to get money out of our system.
This should be worldwide. UK could have benefited during corrupt covid contracts. MPs organising contract of useless medical supplies to pub landlord, one of many examples!
And Musk, Hegseth, Gabbard, Kennedy...etc, expand the definitions of "treason" and "sabotage" as required and lock them up for good. Then eliminate corporate lobbying and start genuinely running the country for the good of the majority of people instead of those with money and influence.
The good news is this very clear picture that we all have now can be seen by our Supreme Court.
Any court can see the errors they’ve made in judgement since their ruling.
Let’s hope for that cognition.
I think we will see it.
Oh Eric. You sweet summer child.
My baby. You're so cute.
I'm sorry honey, we're never escaping this.
Musk's IT guys hacked the 2024 election. They'll do it again and again .
There is one (slight hope) - that between now and 2028 Trump and Musk will have a huge falling-out and Musk will refuse to fix the election for him. Hopefully close enough to the election for Trump not to have a fall-back plan.
Biden pretended everything returned to normal and Garland refused to hold the J6 leaders accountable. Now Trump is sending taxpayer money to his insurrectionist militia.
This should be a lesson for all countries, including those who think this could never happen to them. It can. We know that now. If Carney gets voted as PM in Canada on April 28th, I hope he puts this on his agenda. That, and that PM candidates must have their security clearance. 🍁🌎 #CdnPoli
I think anybody who runs for Parliament should have some kind of clearance. I think all of the provincial politicians should have some kind of clearance because they sure seem tobe awful corrupt these days that might keep some of the bad apples out and if they do a crime out the door no
Don’t be afraid to call things by what they are. MAGA is a terrorist organization, ICE is a secret police force conducting Ethnic Cleansing, Elon Musk is an oligarch, and Trump is a foreign backed coup d’état figurehead. This is not an administration, this is a regime, and your country is occupied.
Nuremberg 2.0 and yes, the foot soldiers. You want back the public trust, disband and prosecute ice INCLUDING agents that were “just following orders.” Clean out DHS in the process.
Garland should have arrested Trump and every member of Congress who challenged the results on his first day as AG. They were just as guilty of sedition as the thugs outside the Capitol.
If Merrick F'ing Garland had done his job we wouldn't have to be dealing with this right now. I hope he never has a decent night's sleep for the rest of his miserable life.
Commission as long as they’re constitutional lawyers. Ok. So…Who’s going to arrest the President? That should be crystal clear…and because “it’s unprecedented” is not a reason to sit back and point fingers. And we think the EOs need some pull back, too. That’s another convo.
The usa are a nest of corruption, it's incredible.
There are no guardrails for KKKing Trump and his merry bunch of clowns.. he is above the law.
Let's try to get one NOW.
everyone who said both parties are the same
everyone who said anyone is better than a democrat
Democrats would ever do this.
No amount of pressure from
base voters will ever compel
Democrats to put an
emergency mechanism
in place to remove incompetent
people from government.
Anything they tried would just
be turned into a weapon by
Republicans, anyhow.
Peter Theil.
The Biden era plebs on the left & Reagan era plebs on the right will continue to run DC.
Why? Citizens United.
Oh Lord, make me wrong!
Address climate change. For real.
JFC, why do we keep electing these Do-Nothing whiners?
More @aoc.bsky.social, less @schumer.senate.gov please!
- A government of the people and by the people
- Equal rights for all law abiding citizens.
- Equal Justice under the law for all people.
- Freedom of speech
- The right to the pursuit of happiness in all ways that do not interfere with another's rights.
- Freedom of the Press
- The right to assembly (including unions)
Congress should make no laws infringing upon any of the above. That includes all of the categories that have been discriminated against in our history.
Discrimination against minority groups.
We can distinguish the way we defend people's constitutional rights.
He should have been impeached end of story
Now, the US is paying for your erroneous idea of "exceptionality"
We are at war witt the enemy within.
Refuse fascism!
Revolution is now!
Top to bottom accountability for everyone involved. Start with bans from public office as a bare minimum consequence for anyone proven to have crossed a line.
Democrats seem to let every opportunity slip through there fingers, as a matter of policy.
Any court can see the errors they’ve made in judgement since their ruling.
Let’s hope for that cognition.
I think we will see it.
If you ever think this will be over in our lifetimes it's incredibly naive.
My baby. You're so cute.
I'm sorry honey, we're never escaping this.
Musk's IT guys hacked the 2024 election. They'll do it again and again .
What shoulda happened was he wasn’t allowed to keep running.