I'm a newbie and love metal music, especially black metal. This is me attempting the bridge from Immortal's All Shall Fall. I didn't have an amp so just played it acoustically lol
Hey bud! Yes, this was my band and I was a vocalist in my previous life. Still very attached to the scene and the whole idea behind. We unfortunately had to split 10 years ago, but it was a lot of fun while it lasted.
The transition from ascending hammer ons/pull offs to the tapping pattern is probably the hardest part. I almost never play it correctly 😅 do you practice a lot of guitar? I think your clip was very slick 😎
Never knew you were a guitarist Joe, awesome! Love your FPL content and always listen to your team news on Fridays all the way from Colombia! I have a band, here’s a video. Love the Bluesky vibe as opposed to the X vibe, so this song is kind of apt; I wrote it over 19 years ago but I’d still valid!
My contribution is…the spoons.
Yeah that looks like tremendous fun!
Has your voice recovered yet ? 😜
but great song this as well
Chowdhury Deep is your Love?
Anything by Baines Addiction