The article is about how independent schools have become a safety net for neurodivergent and trauma-experienced children. Not sure the world's smallest violin is the right take.
Sadly that's not the whole story. And the private school lobby are using this issue shamefully to do away with fees for the rich. They are a safety net for those with money. Councils are also having to use them at inflated prices because the Conservative government cut all their SEND funding.
Labour has bumped up SEND funding as well as using money on breakfast clubs and early years in the state sector. All from the end to this vital tax break. If the fee hike is so harmful from these 'charities' well then they should be charitable and divert their profit to pay for it.
I get the political point, but coming from POV of the child - speaking from experience, sadly state schools simply aren't the best environment for those with significant SEND needs which then puts pressure on teaching staff and schools. This also makes private schools even more elitist.
100%. A. Agree with everything you said. B. Article is vague, 'a significant amount' is how many? C. It's one part of the country, not representative D. The rates of anxiet+trauma are much higher in demographics who can't afford to pay
having had well not the greatest experience with a send kid who has been through this sort of school (and quite a few others) I have little time for them anymore...except each experience is different but it didn't work for us and they sap funding away for other places that could be more effective
The underlying point at stake here is: will the additional funding help mainstream SEND
A more cynical point is that private school parents have worked out that SEND is a good way of advantaging their kids in exams. Its massively over-diagnosed (though there are many legit cases of course)
Don’t get why they’re so upset. If they can afford to send their kids to private school then they can afford to pay VAT. If not, then they can send their kids to state school for free. It’s not as if they are forced to go to food banks.
A more cynical point is that private school parents have worked out that SEND is a good way of advantaging their kids in exams. Its massively over-diagnosed (though there are many legit cases of course)