This is fantastic content Joe, i love it❤️
Keep it up (could be tricky when you reach past 2025 points 😉) I'm looking forward to this historical serial!
up to 1238...atm...2 arsenal left
Bit of a quiet year this one Joe...
...unless you are a Mongol in which case you are going absolutely berserk in Russia. Sacking Moscow and Vladimir almost others and slaughtering Russian (Kievan Rus) royalty.
Keep it up (could be tricky when you reach past 2025 points 😉) I'm looking forward to this historical serial!
Bit of a quiet year this one Joe...
...unless you are a Mongol in which case you are going absolutely berserk in Russia. Sacking Moscow and Vladimir almost others and slaughtering Russian (Kievan Rus) royalty.
not much going on again...
unless of course you're a Mongol.
Mongol invasion of Europe!!
Look out Poland & Hungary.