That is not true. The protests were organized and led by students who said that only Serbian flags should be visible at the protests. The majority respects this.
Iznesite EU zastave ako ste tako opaki 😂
Sve što tražite je ono što EU traži od vas a vi prštite od nacionalizma nedo bog da se zamjerite večini vaših sugrađana.
To što ti ne vidiš EU zastave ili ih oni od kojih očekuješ da ih kače po društvenim mrežamane to ne rade, ne znači da ih nema ili da ljudi koji su na ulicama nisu za za te vrednosti. Da imaš malo mozga, možda bi ukapirao, umesto što si tako ozlojađen!
Students want protests free of political ideologies and directions because we are a deeply divided society. They have found themselves at an ideological minimum, so this movement persists and spreads.
What EU? The one that helped Israel commit genocide in Palestine? The one that bombs Syria? Or the one that prosecutes ship captains who save drowning immigrants in the Mediterranean, but not companies that drain resources from Africa and leave nothing? Kids are not stupid!
You will not see EU flag(s).
Most of them support Russia.
Ta vaša pretvaranja mogu popušti neki tamo daleko.
Sve što tražite je ono što EU traži od vas a vi prštite od nacionalizma nedo bog da se zamjerite večini vaših sugrađana.