He crosses all the lines and repubs continue to give him a pass and sane wash his insanity. All the while trying to hold the Dems to a higher standard as they continue to project all their past and future transgressions on them. We need to do better at holding them accountable!
I thought it was over when he said, “Mexico isn’t sending their best”.
How wrong I was?
I also thought Kamala would win in an overwhelming landslide. Obviously don’t listen to me.
It never should have started. He should’ve remained the laughingstock reality TV star that he is. Instead, our media elevated him to POTUS for ratings.
There were so many occasions when I thought that this would put an end to Trump, but he's just a slimy snake getting away with everything. I would like to say "so far", but sadly it seems like he will never be held accountable for anything.
Should have been over when he said "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people
Seems as if nothing touched him only Stormy and EJean. NYC got a conviction but no sentencing everything we went through hoping he would be held accountable NOTHING and now the consequences
We have Mitch McConnell to thank. He was playing dangerous game thinking he was being so clever calling in personal favors to Senators getting them to acquit Trump in impeachment 2. (Just like his role re: SCOTUS stunt when Obama was Prez)
We'd not be in this chaotic mess today were it not for him.
Team tRump got rid of millions of Mail-in ballots to get back in office. Without a shot being fired; Putin will use tRump to crush American Democracy 🤬
It should've been over when he said "Grab 'em by the pu$$y!" if I'm being honest. Or when he made fun of that reporter with MS!!! I don't understand WTF is wrong with people
It should have been over a thousand times! And we all know it would've been over if he had D next his name. Because they would've put a legal fork in him, and the media would've turned him into roadkill! Hopefully MSM understands this is reason for drop in viewership! We are sick of it!
It should have been all over when he said he could shoot somebody in downtown New York City and still get elected, and if that didn't do it, then pussy gate should have done it. So many things should have done it. And none of them did.
It should have been all over when he mocked a handicapped man or bragged about grabbing women. MAGA doesn’t care. He was right about being able to shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue, they’d love him more. It is a cult.
The fix was already in, we just had not yet seen the rest of the iceberg. Biden's ONE JOB was to prepare nation for attack on Constitution, turn Titanic into a submarine.
Fucked that good didn't you Joey!
It should have been over when years ago he said if he would ever run for president he would run as a Republican because he found them stupid. But yet that group still voted for him.
And I get called a troll by democrats for legitimately questioning this election. I was a republican until this election and was going to change to democrat until this happened. Now I'm registered no party.
You have to understand conservatives, Republicans oppose the ethos of democracy, they don't attach ethical significance to democracy, they don't care about it. To them, it's just a joke or a meaningless roadblock and anything they can do to get around it is just fine: lie, cheat, steal.
It’s good to remind yourself nearly half the country agrees. It’s a divided country, the bubble the other half lives in is just enormous, and will take enormous harm to burst.
It seems like all “the powers that be” have skillfully redirected the course of events…gone to extraordinary lengths…to put trump back in the White House.
I thought this was it for him. I honestly thought there was no way enough Americans could be that hateful and cruel to overlook his behavior towards the disabled.
I think it should have been all over when he said "Russia, if you're listening" and you took a look at his campaign team. I think the FBI knew it, but were embarrassed to interfere in an election, thinking he couldn't win anyway.
I’ve realized that not only will he never be held accountable, 9 years of constant chaos has completely changed folks memories and expectations. To hear a Haitian immigrant say she picked Trump because he’s honest, tells me we have a much bigger problem in this country! 💙
Yes. Everyone keeps talking about Dems this and that. None if it is even true or mattered when you look into it. The truth is that a third of the American electorate lost their minds (or ever had it), and the other third, checked out. And I'm not too sure they haven't lost it either.
I remember watching the golden escalator entrance and listening to him bashing Mexicans and I thought it was absolutely ludicrous. That he'd be laughed out of the race as a washed up reality star who was just trying to get a media grab. Somehow, I got that way wrong.
Of course. But also when he said about John McCain: "He's not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."
Personally..it should have been over when he mocked a disabled reporter...what's happened to this country that so many are ok with shit like this? Years ago, ot would have ended a political career.
It should have been over after 6/1/2020 when he had tear gas fired at protesters just so he could get a photo op in front of a church he doesn't attend, holding a bible he doesn't read, all while being accompanied by the military.
It should have been over long before that, but it's time to stop being amazed by how much hate and corruption exists in this society, but how to survive and exist with this reality.
No, it should’ve been over when he came down that escalator. Or grab them by the Pu**y. How about the mocking of handicapped people. Stormy Daniel’s. I could go on.
The Republicans chose to let him run in 2016. They could have said, "Good luck running as an independent. Instead they thought they would let him get it out of his system. Instead he took over their system. They could still cut him off at the knees now, if they had any guts.
It would have been if the Senate had done its damn job. They failed us. So did Garland. Shame on them because it’s clear Trump is trying to harm America. The Senate and SCOTUS should realize that they are relevant only as long as we have a country. (Thanks, Professor Timothy Snyder).
A lot of us thought it should’ve been over when he made fun of the disabled reporter, the AH tape was released, and Trump U was fined $25M for fraud — all before his first term.
It just shows the most Americans are shitty, unfortunately.
I think it should have been all over when he mocked & bullied a disabled journalist. Even 8-year old school yard bullies are shunned for that kind of shit.
Congressional Republicans, lacking spines, courage & patriotism, capitulated to him almost instantly.
This explains it. 50% of the US population have so bad reading comprehension that they are unable to understan the written warning on proscibed medication. 30% are on anti depressant. There is lead in the tap water. All facts.
What a joke that nothing was ever accomplished in all these cases. They had him dead to rights and sat on their hands. Now look at what we have in store for the next 4 years and probably the rest of our lives. We are going into The Twilight Zone!
How wrong I was?
I also thought Kamala would win in an overwhelming landslide. Obviously don’t listen to me.
We'd not be in this chaotic mess today were it not for him.
That was the realistic line that should have been drawn. Despite opposition.
They didn't do it. They didn't convict.
Now? They'll HAVE to. Just watch.
Brazil did better lol
Fucked that good didn't you Joey!
When it should have been over with.
Think of all those who’ve helped make this happen
▪️The Internet is Forever
So naive…. sigh
Retired LEO husband: no, i don't think that sounds suspect...
Me: are you kidding? You used to be a *detective*. You've lost all objectivity
Aaaand now he won't talk to me about politics (or issues associated with politics)
This should have stopped his ‘career’ right here.
It didn’t.
It just shows the most Americans are shitty, unfortunately.
Congressional Republicans, lacking spines, courage & patriotism, capitulated to him almost instantly.
Should have been..