Our entire history is based on persecution. For the last 3 decades I have watched a steady increase in selfishness and narcissism. Nothing is ever enough, capitalism has brainwashed us into believing we can never be satisfied and there is always someone else to blame.
It is truly so sad…I often ask we can’t we all just be kind to one another. It is not really that hard. I am a tiny blue dot and everyone around me is deep red…but I will kill them with kindness before I will ever be rude to another human!
Born in the middle of the last century (1950s+) I have seen the best of America and some of the worst. I GENERAL we have TRIED to live up to the "City on the Hill" image although a bumpy ride. I have NEVER seen the AMORALILTY & CHAOS caused by MAGA Trump. It IS an authoritarian attack!
It was easier for white people to swallow the comforting myths about America. People brought here in chains saw through the lies much more quickly. Yet over the decades we both fought to make the promises manifest.
Now that the scales have fallen from our eyes, WE have to choose the hard path.
No country is without flaws. The 🇺🇸 has so many extraordinary people and has done incredible things for the world. But dark forces have been eating away and saw you ripe for takedown. What is shocking is that a minority of hate, won the office with a known criminal and traitor to finish the job. 💔
I carry the same sentiment. Everything I learned about our freedoms, rights, and government feels as if I was lied to. Learning what we truly are is painful.
O' beautiful, for spacious skies
But now those skies are threatening
They're beating plowshares into swords
For this tired old man that we elected king
Armchair warriors often fail
And we've been poisoned by these fairy tales
I’d say that applies more to the fucking treasonous primitive fucking confederacy than the real, modern, uninterrupted parts of America.
Trust me, New England ain’t alabama or south carolina !!!
Either are California, Washington, New York or Oregon or any of the other modern MAKER STATES!
They tag teamed him,followed by a completely asinine statement about a suit,not because it was relevant but in a blatant attempt to suck up on live Tv. We've all heard the story of DJT slapping Don jr.for not having a suit on.
White children were fed a load of hogwash. They taught a lie about chopping down a cherry tree and forgot to mention the Tulsa massacre, wounded knee, smallpox blankets. That’s why there are MAGAts. It’s shameful.
Even if they were never true, they embodied the attributes to which we aspired, and we can't let that aspiration go away or we become like Trump and company.
How quickly we’ve become a pariah. It’s all orchestrated, of course, done purposefully to alienate us from our allies. I feel tremendous anger and shame after yesterday’s ambush of Zelenskyy, and I wonder what it would take to regain the world’s trust again. Can we?
My friend from grammar school and I were just talking about this Friday. We still believe in the story of being home of the free, land of the brave, justice for all, and a place for everyone, the tired, the weary, the poor. And, we are willing to rise up with our fellow citizens to make it true!
We all grew up taught about American goodness, generosity, & goals of shared, earned prosperity. Some tendrils of truth in this but these drown in the tsunami the already-wealthy form. Wealth control is necessary. No person or small group of persons w wealth equal to gov. can exist in a democracy
I’m starting to think we’ve always been misguided in our assumptions that the veneer of democracy was resilient and could never fade, or that WE ultimately had the power. Turns out it’s always been about the rich and they just let us believe the ultimate lie. That we matter.
We are America Inc.
No white people created propaganda and it worked on white people. Black people have been telling yall for centuries that it was BS. You’re only seeing it now because it’s impacting you.
The shining city on the hill.
And we believed it.
It made us feel good about ourselves...superior to all others.
We could help the poor and uneducated of the world, because we were special.
The dreamscape has faded and we are left, tarnished and alone.
I’ve been reading history books. Ones that tell the truth. I mean this country has had its moments in the sun. But they were just that. Moments. For the most part this nation was built on greed.
The K-12 stories were always tinged with pseudo-patriotic lies (especially regarding Native Americans and Manifest Destiny) but there were and are still books to be read that, when taken collectively, brings one much closer to the truth of our nation.
Maybe right after WW11? The 50’s, when we had a really strong middle class. I’m old enough to remember when we actually had ‘clean election laws’ - and then - when ‘Money = God,’ - the start of the rule of the Oligarchy. ‘Citizens United‘ cemented it and most of US yawned…
I was in the Cstore the other day. We are the world was playing overhead. I want the world I was promised. Not this shit show that started with Reagan.
I travel a LOT. I've lived in a lot of places but I've never experienced the level of venom that I received this past week. The French can be inscrutable (Oui, Madam is their way of saying thanks or Fck you, stupid) but Belgium was a whole new level of shame. Fck trump** and his little muskDOGE too.
Any greatness other than military power was a hope tied up with Manifest Destiny and the idea we were better than the rest of the world and a leftover mindset of the fading British Empire. We are not better than the rest of the world nor better than a ‘Banana Republic’. We elect crass vulgarians.
When you travel around the World you realise Americans are no more exceptional than others,people are people everywhere and all cultures are amazing in their own way.
Majority of Americans have never stepped out of their towns they grew up in. Their world view is a microcosm of what's out there. And Fox 'news' is the source of their info.
Yes,they have been indoctrinated with the notion America's the greatest there is,there's no need to travel since everythings better in America which is far from the truth of course.
Lol, you're not wrong. Mostly, Americans need to talk with each other. And always consider our dollars are votes. We Empower where we spend them. We get more of what we empower.
If we're really honest. They already "won." We've been conditioned to point fingers at each other, not them. It's so deeply ingrained, I'm not sure how to communicate after a certain point. It becomes emotionally triggering for many.
They were only ever true for a wealthy minority of white, Protestant, cisgender men.
Enslaved people, Irish migrants, the poor, always knew that those were myths told to the gullible to compel passivity in the face of overwhelming state violence.
There was always a shadowy part of the US government that did unsavory things like promote coups and improperly harass figures like MLK. I think the past we were all taught was definitely written by someone with rose colored glasses.
The rest of the world is trying to go, “ no contact”, with the narcissist. It’s time to end this, any way we can. Our American story, is far from over, everyone.
On a cruise ship during CA fires. Old man says I hope CA burns to the ground so I said, what about the “one nation, under God” we learned in school or was that all bull shit? He got up and left. The woman sitting with him & his wife looked very uncomfortable. I didn’t care.
No,humanity is living a lie. I realized this in 2022 or'23 ,when all of a sudden,like lightning, the notion arrived: all the decades of research led to this: all our systems:religion, government,economic arrangements, are based on one very simple lie started 6000 years ago be men,not women,but male!
This has long been a problem in the USA. The country is a big narcissistic mess. You’ve been putting Canadian flags on your backpacks for YEARS when travelling. It’s not a new thing. The world’s eye doesn’t see your country through your rose coloured glasses. 🇨🇦
We’ve never achieved the promises of the Constitution. We started with men who owned people claiming as a basis for independence that all are created equal. We progressed-with setbacks. We continue to strive, to fight for further advancement in getting nearer to fulfilling those promises. Be strong.
They had no choice Irish famine, or killed. With a chance of settling in America.
Soon realised that the officers were no different than their English landlords.
- Saul Bellow
I was always pretty skeptical of the 'American Exceptionalism' thing. Like wtf are WE?!
Now that the scales have fallen from our eyes, WE have to choose the hard path.
But now those skies are threatening
They're beating plowshares into swords
For this tired old man that we elected king
Armchair warriors often fail
And we've been poisoned by these fairy tales
of those who supported presidents like Andrew Jackson and the INDIAN REMOVAL ACT, 1830
and those who believed in the principles of the Emancipation Proclamation
We just keep fighting the same Battles
over and over
Trust me, New England ain’t alabama or south carolina !!!
Either are California, Washington, New York or Oregon or any of the other modern MAKER STATES!
I can now begin from a place of genuine doubt and curiosity, then go find what I believe.
We are America Inc.
And we believed it.
It made us feel good about ourselves...superior to all others.
We could help the poor and uneducated of the world, because we were special.
The dreamscape has faded and we are left, tarnished and alone.
It will come to fruition in time.
It's shameful.
Too many hard working loving decent people died for it. They sacrificed it for a bullshit lie.
You are never rich or loyal enough to be in the club.
Enslaved people, Irish migrants, the poor, always knew that those were myths told to the gullible to compel passivity in the face of overwhelming state violence.
We all were.
Spot still runs
Self-evident truths are not open for discussion, or debate.
End of fucking story.
The only thing that changed is the audience this time.