Tesla vit la honte de la Lada ! Les cons qui jouissent un jour, puis se prosternent un autre jour, pour faire de l'argent peut être autrement ! Toyota Corolla leur donnera une bonne leçon ! Musk et trump sont les déchets du lendemain de l'élection ! Ils vivent l'humiliation et on en rit !
This is beautiful! Very effective because it’s really getting to Elon, the stock is tanking & the Trump admin is trying to make these protests a TERRORIST act. Obviously, this is the thread to pull.
Yay THANK YOU PEOPLE! So much appreciation for you.... once the weather mellows where I am, I hope to be out on the streets a whole lot, too. https://act.moveon.org/survey/impeach
The US minimum wage is closer to $7. It's $7.25. That's disgusting. At this point, I would much rather the US become part of Canada, but I wouldn't want us. -- A concerned and very unhappy US citizen.
There are lots of Tesla owners who don’t like him either and also who don’t want to sell their cars either. The powers that they are enjoying us turning on one another. It’s incumbent upon the board to remove him as CEO. They seem unbothered.
At the Berkeley one too. When a Tesla drove past everyone booed. The store closes on Saturdays and I heard it's going to close completely, less than six months after it opened, not sure if that's true but I can't imagine it being profitable in Berkeley.
Not to get off topic- but for me, this scene is so strange- the Tesla showroom is in a building that for DECADES was vacant- I drove past it thousands of times, a dead, quiet corner with no foot traffic EVER, so, to see these folks, at that spot, is so strange. I cannot get used to it.
Living with paraplegia means daily challenges. I'm raising funds for an enclosed mobility scooter to boost my independence and improve my quality of life. Every donation truly matters. Your support means the world to me. More details on my GoFundMe. Donating or sharing is great. https://gofund.me/0af928df
In Bernalillo County New Mexico, we are forced to stand in the median of some pretty major highway crossings because the Tesla dealership is located on tribal lands. Interestingly, we had huge support from truckers today.
Sooo I get slammed on Ring for giving my community a heads up about an accident…aaand this is what people somehow have the time to do…not I dunno volunteering their time for something good for their community, like maybe a soup kitchen or time at a home for children or animals that need love
Colonization is all he knows. He doesn't know how to be a better human being. He never had to be one. Look at his parents. His dad has a baby with Elon's adopted sister. They are all groomers.
My Vietnam 16 YO enlisted USMC neighbor who I feared was Trumpy told me this AM Musk would not survive walking past his house. An expert sharpshooter and stocked to the gill with firearms he is a great friend in this battle for Democracy. We do have more then Gestapo Nazi GOP ever considered.
To tesla employees, elon is planning to sell off his shares before the price drops to low and leave you all with nothing. I'm NOT telling u to sell 😉...but how many times has any1 seen a ceo dump shares to recoup losses while other share holders ended up with nothing & broke
Many Americans love and respect Canada 🇨🇦 unfortunately 1/3rd of this country is too unbothered to vote or think and another 35% are idiot cult members, I left a msg with my rep asking her why isn’t she loudly denouncing the trashing and threatening of our closest ally who sacrificed in our wars
A great way to punish Bezos: cancel your Amazon Prime Membership. Amazon makes $30 BILLION/year from Prime Membership fees and an estimated 95% ($28.5 billion) drops straight to the bottom line. These Membership fees represent a whopping 48% of 2024 net profit.
Elon Musk pissed off the very same people who can afford his Tesla-federal workers! How many laid off fed employees own Tesla and about to get rid of their cars?
They threatened the workers to not sell their stock, though. And they are planning to lay several thousand of them off. Remember when Russian oligarchs were losing their yachts? We should do the same.
Love ❤️ you Brooklyn!
She has bought into the Boasberg fight that she can't win.
Roberts will have no choice but to side with the judge
She's as dumb as a Trump-worshiping fucking rock
💙 https://www.HandsOff2025.com 💙
If you have some stock, sell now.
True happiness is: Awaking every morning knowing you are not, and never will be, a TESLA vehicle owner.
Revolt or dye
This beautiful country have a minimum wage of 18 $ , wowww.
Not like a fucking banana republic at 8 $ !!!
Only for that, dear americans, you must revolt until they are all gone from politic.
Bernie is old, but this guy can help you a lot guys !!!
This wage is discusting !!!!
Now, I suggest you to ki... all those oligarchs !!!!
They need to pay the big price.
Is this really how Americans want to treat people- ANY people???
His a fake leader
Email: https://asayinteriors.proton.me
His a fake leader
Email: https://asayinteriors.proton.me
It’s a very good thing to mask up when you’re in close proximity to others.
I did appreciate the sticker that was placed on the bumper, I imagine, by the owner:
Please sign and share
"Heil Twitler!" #Swasticar 🚗
To tesla employees, elon is planning to sell off his shares before the price drops to low and leave you all with nothing. I'm NOT telling u to sell 😉...but how many times has any1 seen a ceo dump shares to recoup losses while other share holders ended up with nothing & broke
100% support you.
Our geese are honking for you as well.
#TeslaTakedown in #Brooklyn
Stay safe
stay peaceful
Our voices & our wallets DO FUCKING MATTER!!💙💙
trump is the disease
A symbol of opposition, maybe?
PUNISH Bezos = CANCEL Amazon Prime
It’s noteworthy that there have been no reported insider purchases during this period. 
Sell your Swasticar now before it is too late!