I've seen you sell it as a print. So I will secure one in the future ❤️ My mom visits me in May, so she can bring stuff over to the UK without me paying for import fees.
Ahhhh thank you so so much!! I'm also hoping that by then I'd be able to get into the cons I've applied for (nothing is certain but I'm hoping to get in MCM for May!!) so if not through the shop , maybe in person if you're going and I'm accepted!
Good luck getting into MCM London! If you don't get in, MCM Birmingham is also a good one. I went 2 weeks ago and it's massive. It's the second biggest con in the UK. Which also makes it less overwhelming than MCM London, but still a lot of business.
She's so prettyyyyyy
This made my day about 230% better ❤️