Lots of bloggers are wondering if blogging is dead now that Google is leaning into a zero-click experience with AIOs and all the different features that answer searches right on the page.
The short answer is no. The longer one: but you need change it up. 🧵1/6
The short answer is no. The longer one: but you need change it up. 🧵1/6
Find readers through social and nurture them with a newsletter, then use your blog to provide supplemental info to those who are looking for a deep dive. 2/6
Ad-supported social platforms favor videos because that’s what keeps people on the platform. But ANY content that engages people gets eyeballs. So think about delivering value ON the social platform to attract people. 3/6
✔️ Summarize the relevant point right up front.
✔️ Use headings they can skim to what they need.
✔️ Structure your content on page for busy people.
✔️ And learn how to group content blocks so your ads don’t intrude. 5/6