Depends on your audience. I am really no expert, but these might work:
1) tropical diseases becoming more established outside their 'normal' areas.
2) the impacts of more frequent / severe heatwaves in the uk and how it affects hospitalisation?
The latter might be easier to locate data.
Thank you! heat-related mortality was another thing suggested but that feels a bit too far removed and that there will be other impacts felt sooner, in the meantime cold-related mortality continues to be the bigger killer. The tropical diseases thing would be good if there is data
I’m part of the Centre for Climate and Health Security, and for general audience presentations we tend to cover heat, flooding, VBD and inequalities (geographical, generational). HECC is a good resource for ‘what is known’ with U.K. lens
I would gravitate towards rising vector-borne diseases due to expanded habitats and less severe winters (in N hemisphere at least).
1) tropical diseases becoming more established outside their 'normal' areas.
2) the impacts of more frequent / severe heatwaves in the uk and how it affects hospitalisation?
The latter might be easier to locate data.
There is some narrative and data available here:,72%2C121%20(8%2C013%20per%20year).