This Saturday, April 20th, is the next talk in the ILSSA Exploring Learning Sciences in the Asia-Pacific series! Join us for "Making Based Learning for Middle School and Undergraduate Engineering Students" with Prof Aditi Kothiyal of IIT Gandhinagar. Register here:
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Making is an enactive, concrete and playful mode of learning that involves the process of building something physical or digital. When people make, there is an emergence – of
personal interests, of integration of domains and conceptual understanding. While making-based learning has gained
about the role of making, specifically about the kinds of making activities that promote learning and how we might support learners to achieve desired learning goals. In this talk,
I will give two examples from my work where we are studying
Prof. Aditi is an assistant teaching professor with the Center for Creative Learning (CCL) and the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at IIT Gandhinagar. She obtained a MS in Electrical engineering from the Ohio State University and PhD in Educational Technology from IIT Bombay,
making as the learning activity.
environments grounded in learning theory and research. Before joining IIT Gandhinagar, she was a postdoctoral scientist at the Computer Human Interaction in Learning and
Instruction (CHILI) lab with Prof. Pierre Dillenbourg.