TV: Erin Brockovich (Netflix)
For an investigative film from the 2000s, it holds up well. Pro-environment/anti-capitalist messages still hit their mark. I enjoyed it. And had to smile for a Wichita shoutout :)
For an investigative film from the 2000s, it holds up well. Pro-environment/anti-capitalist messages still hit their mark. I enjoyed it. And had to smile for a Wichita shoutout :)
Some cool animation sequences and world building make it a solid watch and a good companion to other Witcher shows.
Still, I’m looking forward more to the new game when we see Ciri’s perspective highlighted. Geralt doesn’t change, he just… is.
Just talked to my psych 101 class about memory and Alzheimer’s, thinking I might assign this for extra credit because it does such a good job of showing how our memories shape us, and what it means to lose them. Sad, accurate, and again, very sad.
New Top 10 horror movie. And maybe the only horror/comedy on my list of personal faves? I laughed bitterly and joyfully, gasped, cringed, and felt intellectually engrossed. Went in blind and enjoyed it.
This show is so funny and silly and I got a whole lot more jokes watching as an adult. And it’s kind of wild looking back on my childhood and realizing this manga helped me question ideas about gender/sex! The remake holds up as a fun romcom :) 🐼🫖🥋
As an ex-Catholic, this movie hit right in terms of nerdy Catholic lore and a main character who is genuinely moral despite costs. As a lover of narrative, it was engrossing for one watch but not a second. The awards it was given were earned. Very good.
For all the hype, it really was a 9.5/10 for me. Exploration, investigation, existential questions, and all while watching yourself slowly get better at the controls/3D movement. And you’re a genderless alien! -.5 for some artificial difficulty. ~20 hrs to beat. Play it!!