We really do need to press on this one. Seniors will not like their earned benefits touch. Many are living on this alone. We'd have an abundance of homeless seniors if they take it away.
R’s don’t have a problem w SS, per se. The problem is that it’s a tax that we pay and our employer also contributes. The employers don’t want to pay the matching share.
If they could shift the burden to US. They’d leave it alone.
“Ultimately, Congress' borrowing allowed Social Security to collect $85.1 billion in interest income for 2017, and it's expected to provide $804 billion in aggregate interest income between 2018 and 2027.”
I disagree. That money, locked in by the government until retirement is money you can’t use for emergencies. I would not have income without my SSA retirement. Too many major emergencies over the years.
Disagreeing is ok by me 🙂The system doesn’t always work for each person. Some people would rather not pay into it and invest themselves with what they feel is better returns and not subject to a government deciding they aren’t going invest properly or take it with no return.
Agreed but it doesn’t stop what is happening now. Once they get the money they get the control, that is a problem. How many people are going to lose social services programs ….
So, it's not just me who know this ... They should be made to repay all the money they stole from those two programs. How does Republicans continue to live with themselves knowing they are wallowing in so much dirt. They make pigs look clean.
A defender of Republicans robbing from the poor, the sick and elderly. You believe they repaid the money, ahhhh how sweet. Republicans have never paid back anything in their lives, no amount of so called facts on a paper can convince me otherwise. Give me a pen and paper can give you do the same.
I remember when President Biden told us their plan to get rid of these benefits in a speech, and they all loudly claimed no. More lies from the republican party
Vice President Al Gore (running against George "W") pledged to put Social Security funds in a "lock box" to prevent such siphoning. But the SCOTUS stopped the tabulation of votes in Florida (to prevent Gore from winning the election).
Yes I have been paying into SS and Medicare 47 years as of Thursday Dec. 5 2024. Fortunate to still be working full time and not starting SS payments, hopefully for several more years.
Make sure you have a éconduit retirement account and cans be vested before you need to retire. My SSA income is $1200 per month. Not fun when I was used to around $40,000 per year with my (ex) hubby.
My retirement is higher. I'm not interested econduit, especially since it shows as a "permanently" closed software company or some point of sale system.
There is no reason for it to be touched by any other department, person, or organization. Its here to make sure seniors have something to live on, a forced retirement fund that most are glad is there for them.
Along with, apparently, “what is a tariff”?
R’s don’t have a problem w SS, per se. The problem is that it’s a tax that we pay and our employer also contributes. The employers don’t want to pay the matching share.
If they could shift the burden to US. They’d leave it alone.
He never paid it back..
THAT'S why the billionaires want to shut it down, so they can steal it!
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