Heyy, 🤍 I really like your picture on your page and love to use it as an inspiration muse for an art work I’ll be working on for a client, you’ll be getting paid and credit.
Metropolis. I spent several months using a jury rigged system of turntables, cassette decks, CDs and VCRs to cut in my own music to it in high school. Opened with Nine Inch Nails' The Day the whole world went away. Ended with Peter Gabriel's 14 Black Paintings. I had a lot of time...
Incredible Shrinking Man, Frankenstein, Them, Godzilla, Giant Tarantula, Invisible Man, The Werewolf, The Mummy, Dracula and most of the movies on Svengoolie🤣
I watched it at aged 10 and spent the next year trying to make the nickname "The Swede" stick.
I was unsuccessful 😅🤣
(I could carry on but won’t, in case it spoils someone’s watching!)
Sunset Boulevard
A witty classic.
Jackie Chan's debut film, recovered after previously being thought to be lost to history.
It's one of the best dark comedies ever written. Genius film.