You could redistribute half of that wealth, and the 8 people may not even notice that they have half as much as they used to. The mother on food stamps could probably buy a house!
I paid money my entire working life into these programs and never once complained. I was happy to do it. Government is there to care for each other in ways we could never afford to do through charities relying on the rich to part with their money.
You're exactly right. Because I've always been of the opinion you never know when that may be you that needs that service or program. Life has a way of throwing curve balls at us that we don't see comin....
I was actually listening to a podcast. Science & Cocktails. Basically, a Ted talk for scientific Ted talk for research papers. Anyway, they were saying the exact same thing, the traits, behaviors, and attitudes parallel dopamine mental addiction. I think this is it.
The Trillionaire Class spend trillions to scapegoat the poor.
Why Jesus had to be killed.
Justice means Just Us.
Hate the poor...
You're #1 enemy.
Winners Win
Losers Lose
At what point have you got enough and start to think outside of yourself?
Never is clearly the answer with this type.
Why Jesus had to be killed.
Justice means Just Us.
Hate the poor...
You're #1 enemy.
Winners Win
Losers Lose