This is what the Founders had in mind when they designed the 2nd Amendment.
Please like and share to demand sane gun laws NOW!
Please like and share to demand sane gun laws NOW!
By your logic, the 1stA does not protect speech on radio, TV, or the internet; as none of those existed when the 1stA was written. Which is absurd.
Do you think gun confiscation wouldn't end in bloodshed?
Other countries don't have our constitution.
If you think other countries are so great, no one is stopping you from moving.
Imagine a time in the future when there's a portable ray gun that can slice through hundreds or thousands of people in seconds....
....would the 2A allow consumers to own that, based on the needs of feral hog hunters?
Your #gunsense “logic” sucks.
2nd Amendment
AR-15 is not a defensive or a hunting weapon, it's a human killing weapon.
Somehow, we need responsible 2A laws.
You forgot to bitch about the bayonet.
Do you have any problems with that?