also idk how to share my tav lore here because on tungle i'd just yap and yap and keep it under one tag but here they put a limit on the yapping so ???? i cannot even begin to express the sheer amount of lore (and AU lore!) mal has
or very long threads that are annoying to format due to the restrictions
Secondly, I've seen people using Notion? You can have a public Notion page with links featuring alllll of their lore! I currently use Google docs but am thinking of switching. Somebody made a template, lemme see if I can find it...
Yeah it's hard to find places to gush about our OCs (I could ramble on about Seraphina forever haha). At the moment I just have an 'other headcanons' Google doc with different tabs for my rambling but it's not a particularly shareable format 😂🙈