this was probably the largest pdh community turnout weve had at a magiccon. friday and saturday we were running ~7-8 pods consistently throughout the ENTIRE DAY, and getting a really significant number of folks who just wanted to give the format a shot
oddly enough, with so many more people available to hold table space and run pods, i still didn't end up leaving the area much at all. too many games to play!!
that said, i did manage to catch the end of my friends meet and greet to say "hello" and hand off some pdh all stars to to get her started on her paradise bird deck. lovely people. infectious positivity. im all about that.
but hoo boy sunday was the MAIN EVENT. we had the tremendous fortune to have play emcee to pdh spellslinging in the creator central literally all day. we have never been featured like this and i think i speak for everyone in pdh world when i say we were over the moon
SO many people. we had designated space for 5 concurrent pods and they were filled the entire time. all of the decks we brought to give away (~15-20ish?) were gone by the end. the enthusiasm around the format and the games was off the charts.
as someone who suffers a lot from impostor syndrome, it is indescribable to see something that weve been building as a community for over a decade get to this point where we are featured on the main floor of a magic con. supremely validating.