One of THE most basic tenets of pro wrestling is "Don't bury your opponent"
I like Charlton's work but I found him real aggravating at Wrestle Dynasty, he actively detracted from matches, but now the Tony Khan truthers are gonna start acting like he's CM Punk
Whilst New Japan has been doing that for the past, say, 30 or some odd years to their supposed "partners"
Made Big Japan their bitches in 1997, got the best overall over UWFi and NOAH, well, what do I need to say... they got the main event at Wrestling World 2002 but got buried these past years
I think Chris was really trying to be the Heenan/Ventura heel commentator and it backfired. I was quite amused by the money mark reference since that’s what all the cool kids on the internet call TK.
He went completely OTT heel in bad-mouthing AEW & using all the silly little buzzword insults like ‘money mark’. It was massively Un-Charlton-like. It was pretty hard to miss.
I did think he went noticeably far as the match went on, but assumed he just got caught up in things, as the story/dynamics of the pre match stuff was so much about Gabe being pro NJPW and anti AEW, and basically the crowd turned him babyface for it. I assumed he was told off given the live apology
I definitely noticed him championing njpw over aew, but I guess i didn't really give too much weight to any of it. I tend to pay attention to the matches over the commentary.
curious if it comes out that he was given direction or if he came to taking those creative risks on his own. 2 mo seems like a long time if he was just trying to do work w/ good intentions even if the choices he made didn't connect with most. I'd just like this to not blow up to be a big controversy
One of the big points of this show was to attract AEW's fanbase to NJPW. What he did is not going to be resolved with someone getting pinned. It wont lead to sales. He was all but told while the show was going to dial it back and he did not. If he did that in an U.S. promotion he would be gone.
Given the fact that Japanese culture has an air of you respect your business partners above all else. Im surprised he hasnt been sacked for the what could be considered disrespectful actions on the Commentary desk.
I'm guessing people advocated for the suspension. I do think if they find someone else before the suspension is over it's done for him. I get the NJ's fanbase has it's issues with AEW, but he was not a fan, he was doing a profession. If any of us were doing this during a very public thing for
How is it a disgrace? Probably too long but I wouldn’t use the word disgrace. NJPW and Bushiroad obviously felt it needed repercussions, especially if he went off script.
He was quite clearly in character off script going along with the Gabe and Kenny feud with Rocky. Ill advised - yes but a two month ban is insane. Who actually is offended by it to that extent?
Chris works for NJPW, this issue is not originating from the AEW side. The severity likely stems from NJPW’s embarrassment over disrespecting a business partner. In Japanese culture, showing proper respect is part of Japanese business etiquette. A perceived slight, can harm trust & relationships.
He offended his employers at NJPW. It was their decision based on being there; in other words the people who did this know much more than you do about the situation
Not really, people shouldn’t go into business for themselves without okaying it with all the players involved. Imagine if Excalibur or Schiavone had slagged off NJPW top brass live on air during a Forbidden Door ppv & it hadn’t been pre-planned & agreed? NJPW would be furious & rightly so.
Did he go into business for himself though? He’s wrongly decided to try and have some fun with the Gabe and Kenny story with Rocky but he’s clearly done it in character. If this was a podcast I can see a long ban but not for a bit of comedy on commentary. They need to lighten up.
Very clearly he did something that wasn’t planned & approved, and has paid the price. Tony Khan deserves the same amount of respect that he’s afforded to NJPW.
Yes clearly but if someone takes a shot in character is it really showing a lack of respect? That’s what the punishment is and I think it doesn’t fit the crime.
I mean, Chris Charlton is as vanilla as they come in his announcing. He's never been anything but the straight man.
Maybe they're trying something different to set up Forbidden Door.
I like Charlton's work but I found him real aggravating at Wrestle Dynasty, he actively detracted from matches, but now the Tony Khan truthers are gonna start acting like he's CM Punk
Made Big Japan their bitches in 1997, got the best overall over UWFi and NOAH, well, what do I need to say... they got the main event at Wrestling World 2002 but got buried these past years