7. Occupation or side gigs?
Well before he was the Warrior of Light, he was a scholar of aetherology. Not only has that not changed in the least, but he's focused much heavier on understanding Dynamis in recent months.
Well before he was the Warrior of Light, he was a scholar of aetherology. Not only has that not changed in the least, but he's focused much heavier on understanding Dynamis in recent months.
He learned archery from his adoptive mother, but other than that most if it comes from either study (for magic) or just improvising until he figures it out. The Soul Crystals help immensely there. As for weapon...
I suppose Thavnair would be the obvious choice. He still has certain gripes with pretty much all the Eorzean ones...mostly Ul'dah.
Reading by solitary firelight. So simple yet so true.
Yep. That's him. You're probably wondering how he got there.
Not really? I guess whichever one is current/new, but he's fairly indifferent toward most of them. Probably a very slight bias towards Arkasodara though just because he's the most familiar with them.
Calco was in the middle of his little "trapped in stasis for 11 years" thing, way over in Thavnair, so he couldn't have missed the entire thing more if he tried.