What's the shortest deadline you've ever been given to make a theme?
A lot of folks know you created Sting's (for the record, legendary) theme on short notice and iirc, I saw you post on here recently that the Beast Mortos's theme was also made on short notice.
If you found a magic lamp, assuming the genie was chill enough to not try to screw with you, what would your first two wishes be (assuming the third would take longer to come up with)?
Hello, I have two questions. First one would be what is the name of the entrance song you did for Nigel McGuinness last year and second question would be why Komander started using the instrumental version of his theme song instead to the lyrical one. Best regards.
I remember you talking about the rush for you to make the Ghostbuster theme for the Elite a few years ago. What's some of the craziest last minute things you've had to do other than that?
If you could perform a Live band/ Artist Entrance of one of your themes at All In texas.Texas.. which theme and Wrestler/ Talentwould you want to perform?
Have you gotten into dethklok, Galaktikon, and Brendon Small?
What other cartoons were you watching back then?
Also what old school cartoon would you want to make an updated them for?
A lot of folks know you created Sting's (for the record, legendary) theme on short notice and iirc, I saw you post on here recently that the Beast Mortos's theme was also made on short notice.
Also, best in the biz rn, my guy. I'm a big fan. Need that Hayterave 2.0!
It seems like every time it's been done it's an immediate home run.
Favourite Guitar Solo of all time (any genre)
favorite theme made by someone other than you?
What's your favorite instrument or sound to use while creating music?