Little thread on how I render hair at the moment✌🐱
First we got to do a sketch and try to see where the hair comes from. It can be simple as the hair directly falling onto the face or it can be like a spiral as well, take into account any accesories too
First we got to do a sketch and try to see where the hair comes from. It can be simple as the hair directly falling onto the face or it can be like a spiral as well, take into account any accesories too
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The fun starts here, just try to follow the way the hair falls. I like to see shapes on it and then add some loose hairs depending on the texture it has. FORGOT TO SAY add an in between color too
Add as many details as you like, it depends on your personal liking and style (I exaggerated a bit for this tutorial :PP)
I create a circle or ring form to create the main shape for the highlights
I lower the opacity of said layer and start to erase (with the same brush on transparent mode or the eraser tool) following the strands of hair made on the shading step
The 2nd round is the same as the previous one but with a lighter color, it cant go outside the main highlight shape (hope this is understandable lol)