Corporate welfare is the normal state of affairs. The oligarchy is coming for it all. Capitalism is hoarding disorder that masquerades as an economic system. In your imagination, carry this out to a probable future where the entire planet will be 'owned' by one person(family).
It’ll either come crashing down when the non billionaires understand that democratic Socialism is the way to go and revolt, or the oligarchs will destroy everything in their path
They are saying that they want to cut the deficit, well it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that if these welfare recipients in the corporate world start paying their taxes we can fix a lot of things that are wrong with our society!
The whole pretending to care about the deficit is such a crock. Every Rethuglican administration since Reagan has skyrocketed the National Debt. Clinton was the only one who balanced the budget and actually had a surplus. Trump had the largest increase of any other President in history last time