We should all flood his phone lines to let him know that he was incredibly disrespectful to call PM Carney “Trudeau’s economic advisor”. He didn’t even have the decency to address him as our new PM. I have zero respect for that angry boy who only wants to create more division. Now is not the time.
Clearly pp will never be on Team Canada, just team "whatever harper tells me to say/do".
The petulant toddler needs to goose step away and let the adults do their thing.
PP and Trump will work out some sort of arrangement that makes Canadians miserable. Fortunately, the horrific outcome of our elections does seem to have moved Europe and Canada to the left.
Every time he opens his mouth, he reminds me of when he would speak in the House of Commons. Basically he was Harpers little attack dog. Still is. My dad said don't trust a conservative, they will make promises of good things, shake your hand all the while taking your job away with the other hand.
ironicly, thank to trump, pierre is going to have a tough time winning the heart of the canadians, due to how similar his tactics are to trump and the fact that everybody were caught off-guard by trudeau resigning,
Think PP lost his electability during Ottawa convoy days, walking with bad actors from USA, Nazi flags beside our Flag was a bridge to far for most Canadians
Citizens in Canada and USA seeing the Nazi salute commonly used in USA, know we have let the fox in the chicken house, the next vote in North America will be against the Nazis
I also find calling Mark Carney "Sneaky" on your attack ad is silly and disrespectful. Full of lies,
One might call it "downright
Sneaky" . Pee pee got No security clearance, no resume.
Mr.Carney was trustworthy enough to run the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England. 🇨🇦💪
We all know PP is the king of lying. He follows Trump's playbook right to the letter. This is what Trump did and still does and has always done. PP is ruthless with his lying. The problem is Canada has its own "poor uneducated voters" who might and probably will believe what PP is spewing out.🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
I agree. Canadians are seeing through PP and his bullshit. PP would sell Canada out in a heartbeat and most Canadians are very aware of what a useless arshole PP is!
Who's the author? What is the source? Tiktok or fb post with no name is bullshit, not a source.
I can post anything I want.
BTW, I am Queen of England! So, on your knees, subjects!
I want us to fight etc, but not using some crap.
Liberal Canadian
PP knows all of this to be true, since he has deliberately created the lies in an effort to create the hate that he created for Trudeau. He doesn't care about the truth, only about power, to be achieved however possible. His lies will get bigger and bolder as he sees his numbers slipping.
Do people get that Poilievre is the front man for a bunch of different Conservative networks who operate the Conservative Party? He's not there because he's a policy expert, or a good speaker. Instead, he's a puppet put there to distract, spread disinformation, & generally get people riled up.
Please worry about Harper. He's behind all of this. He has never not had his finger in Canadian politics since before he was elected PM in 2006. Sheer, O'Toole, Poilievre all his puppets.
It matters that we voters read this letter. If this can persuade people to understand and vote against him, that's a win. He could give two shits about 🇨🇦, just what's in it for him and his handlers. You're right that he probably won't read this. He's busy eating his apple.
PP is throwing hissy fits...
The petulant toddler needs to goose step away and let the adults do their thing.
I am convinced that he has had a hard on to be PM his entire career but has zero skills.
He doesn't give a shit about Canada other than being named PM.
Sounds like someone south of the border, good god this little peter is a bore.
it is going to be a big renewal with the liberals
One might call it "downright
Sneaky" . Pee pee got No security clearance, no resume.
Mr.Carney was trustworthy enough to run the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England. 🇨🇦💪
I despise him and yet expect he will win the next election.
Carney has had a strong start and hopefully that momentum will carry him through the election.
Where in our great country are you? Ottawa boy now in Toronto.
He has one platform that he has stick to throughout and that evaporated with Carney removing the carbon tax.
All you have left is your personality and winning smile.
It is NOT enough.
Trump being first.
I can post anything I want.
BTW, I am Queen of England! So, on your knees, subjects!
I want us to fight etc, but not using some crap.
Liberal Canadian
Therefore it will utterly fail to gain traction among the Conservatives, since they do not understand any of that stuff.
This is great and should be shared on all platforms