So PP promotes MGTOW (men going their own way) through messages he posts, the tags only disappeared when he was called on it by global news. Good thing for Canadian to remember when we go to the polls. (As if selling us out to the US wasn't enough)
Pretending that there's something legitimate about conservatism or conservatives has made the world what it is today. They all have to go back to hell with all of their Stone Age bullshit and cowardly nonsense.
Conservatives use Christianity as a ‘magic’ shield.
Every MAGA’s bio is certain to have “Loves God” in it. They think that it shields them from criticism of their extreme conservatism b/c ‘they’re doing the work of god’, and therefore irreproachable.
Every MAGA’s bio is certain to have “Loves God” in it. They think that it shields them from criticism of their extreme conservatism b/c ‘they’re doing the work of god’, and therefore irreproachable.
I, am not a nice person, and he makes me look like a fucking saint.
He is a Phony.
The comfortable, competent ease with which Carney stepped into his official role as PM highlights PP’s trying-too-hard cringey-ness.
I also draw a similar comparison between Carney and Trump. T loves pompous displays; Carney simply does his job w/o fanfare.