l Please help me to buy treatment. I am very tired and sick. Do not leave me alone. The cost of treatment is $ 100
Only 10 donors each person is 10 dollars
Dem Leaders need to tell us when to be in DC and we will join them! Has be an all hands on deck affair, talking millions of people taking to the streets of DC to rid the MAGAsshat and Muskrats infestations. And it needs to happen soon before martial law is called.
Try Punji sticks. Shaking a cane, won't cut it. Representatives in Congress should organize protests and invite celebrities to speak so that the media shows up. Fly in some disabled Ukrainian veterans, widows and orphans.
Democrats showed last night that they are the WEAK party! Weak on: political strategies, arguing political topics, winning Americans that don't support them, & using new tactics to elicit reactions. PLEASE HIRE A CONSULTANT THAT DOESN'T JUST KNOW POLITICS, BUT ALSO REALITY TV TACTICS! QUIT LOSING!!!
This. Americans need to stand up and save themselves. But I don’t know if it can happen effectively until enough Republican supporters have been hurt badly enough that they are forced to wake up.
We need to demand an investigation into the previous elections discrepancies through the court. We have to take this administration to court yo decertify the elections and get rid of the voting machines responsible. If we can prove in court that he cheated, they can't cover up the evidence.
Probably when Republicans see the size of the March 14th rally in DC, that will be the moment when Republicans realize they are in a small, rural minority.
You all need your own sovereign currency that's based on an artificial intelligence, and that artificial intelligence has to be your watch-dog so that it rewards the individuals who deserve to grow, as opposed to the current system that rewards only those who horde wealth.
Yup, the federal funding freeze is right around that time, so the #NowMarch protests on March 14th will probably be billed as the thing that shut down the government
Youre giving all of us way too much credit.
This's just who we r it seems.
A land of evil monsters lording over a glut of virtue signaling bystanders obsvng in passive impotency.
One side is literlly willing to 🔥 the 🌎 to get what they want.
I don't see progressives matching that lvl of conviction.
While I want to , I know I'm not supposed to and dealing with my past sins I don't think I could make them back up. But your right we are allowing the genocide in Ukraine and gaza by being compliant. Guilty inner turmoil
To Americans: The Battle of New Orleans: My New version: In 2025 we took a little trip, along with US Patriots down the mighty Mississip'. We took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we caught the bloody trumpers in the town of New Orleans.
We fired our guns and the trumpers kept a-comin. There wasn't as many as there was a while ago. We fired once more and they began to runnin', On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
So wise words. Christians keep praying things away while forgetting that god has given them arms and heads and rocks to make things happen and sometimes they just need to do. While democrats are discussing and finding the way the orange acts already.
When is the final straw to stop Trump. Is it after you are forced to put on a military uniform and crawling in a trench on a front line waiting for the order from Trump to be a meat wave fighting against neighbors.
I think we're all getting pretty fucking sick & tired of waiting for the Democratic "leadership" to actually DO something. This is becoming just as embarrassing as Cheetolini himself and his circus of clowns 🤡🤡
Sorry; original didn’t have alt text.
A woman standing on a sidewalk, holding a sign that says, “YOU CAN PRAY ALL YOU WANT BUT EVENTUALLY
how can you be so far removed from what we need from you? we tell you & beg you & demand that you step up ......& you won't
those signs were disgraceful YOU NEED TO JUST GET OUT YOU DO NOT HELP YOU ACTUALLY SUPPORT THE ENEMY IN YOUR REFUSAL TO DO YOUR JOBS @schumer.senate.gov @warren.senate.gov
THOSE SIGNS WERE INSULT TO INJURY that was your idea of a significant disruption?
it only made us more furious at you & more sick that there is really NO ONE on our side HOW could you think these tiny signs were useful, or that they were what we demanded from you - really? @schumer.senate.gov
Time ran out yesterday WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? I honestly want an answer WHY will you NEVER do your jobs - you REFUSE to do your jobs - you were always the only DEM choices but we are over it - this is a reasonable question &, we pay your salaries, so u owe us an answer @schumer.senate.gov speak up
I saw something a while back where a GOP asslicker referred to trump as 'Goliath' and someone had to remind him that David slayed him with a stone.....
The No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act is about scaring communities into adopting extremist anti-immigrant, anti-worker policies and cutting essential programs for working families—all to pay for billionaire tax cuts.
That's the only today tomorrow he'll probably do it to the rest of the Cities I'm having a hard time finding anything funny anymore it's getting really sad out here
Everyone is pointing at everyone else to do it, but the truth is, if this many people (billions) worldwide are able to realize this is treason, so can Veterans, FBI, CIA with the actual training to do something about it, and the experience and knowledge to shut the fuck up about their plans.
We the 99% are giants!!! Why are we letting the teeny, tiny 1% hoard all of the wealth?!? All they want is for prices to go up and up so they can get richer and richer!
If you can throw rocks get out there and throw rocks. I'm doing what I can via nonviolence by stopping buying and stopping consuming.... Everything except necessities. Saving for a sunny day.
David and Goliath was a pitiful yarn,..to begin with.
a) gigantitius means slow, uncoordinated and likely nearly blind.
b) a 'sling thrower' at the time could hunt birds, taking flight.."on the wing".
David held ALL the cards.
as far as 'parables' went,..that was the dumbest of the dumb ones.
Everyone will have to pitch in and fight for freedom justice and equality. The enemy is upon us(clear and present danger). Rise up patriots. Duty calls. The innocents and the brainwashed need you to fight for them. The history books will be talking about you after everyone is long gone.
And lots of rocks!
Only 10 donors each person is 10 dollars
We are done fking around!
Dem Leaders need to tell us when to be in DC and we will join them! Has be an all hands on deck affair, talking millions of people taking to the streets of DC to rid the MAGAsshat and Muskrats infestations. And it needs to happen soon before martial law is called.
https://NowMarch.org #14thNow
It was very cool, the protest marched around Washington
Supposedly, there's another one this Saturday at noon
#MarchForDemocracy #NowMarch #14thNow #WashingtonDC https://bsky.app/profile/hercles.app/post/3ljlpazxvos2u
when Congress meets
about the budget
-pushed back to this date
due to the Omnibus debacle
started by MAGA
at the end of Dec 2024
do you recall?
Do not forget !
MAGA has been threatening to
"primary" any
Repub. Congressperson
who does not
"fall in line"
with Musk +Trump
but can they stop us from
have we seen this movie 😉
into a big event
a big show
like Live Aid
feeds on jumbo screens
We need to have many such events
Sic Semper Tyrannis
How to fight tyranny!
This's just who we r it seems.
A land of evil monsters lording over a glut of virtue signaling bystanders obsvng in passive impotency.
One side is literlly willing to 🔥 the 🌎 to get what they want.
I don't see progressives matching that lvl of conviction.
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Freedom From Religion Foundation
American Civil Liberties Union
Please consider joining and/or donating.
Every Republican will go into hiding by the end of that month.
He didn’t bomb schools, hospitals & kill children, health care workers, journalists, aid workers & unarmed citizens.
A woman standing on a sidewalk, holding a sign that says, “YOU CAN PRAY ALL YOU WANT BUT EVENTUALLY
those signs were disgraceful YOU NEED TO JUST GET OUT YOU DO NOT HELP YOU ACTUALLY SUPPORT THE ENEMY IN YOUR REFUSAL TO DO YOUR JOBS @schumer.senate.gov @warren.senate.gov
it only made us more furious at you & more sick that there is really NO ONE on our side HOW could you think these tiny signs were useful, or that they were what we demanded from you - really? @schumer.senate.gov
Why does the left love big government so much?
& we got a big orange ass
These Fascists aren't gonna rid you of themselves... 🇨🇦 🤙 🇺🇸
#No47thReich #elbowsup #durisnonfrangor #MakeAldoGreatAgain
a) gigantitius means slow, uncoordinated and likely nearly blind.
b) a 'sling thrower' at the time could hunt birds, taking flight.."on the wing".
David held ALL the cards.
as far as 'parables' went,..that was the dumbest of the dumb ones.