both of those + the straitjacket-like outfit heavily feed into negative stereotypes about people w/mental health issues who need hospitalization being “insane”.
absolutely no hate to the art—your art here is great! but please take these things into account when creating a character like this
absolutely no hate to the art—your art here is great! but please take these things into account when creating a character like this
all of this is just my two cents, but I am a system who experiences hallucinations myself so I feel like my words have weight here
(also, just something to note, but if Joe is working w/cdot, he likely wouldn’t be working w/Jonny. doctors specialize, & the only reason I can think of him being near both is him being an emergency room doctor.)
I am also not mad, but I just want you to know I'm just having a little fun. I may change the characters so they're not replicas of real people as well