i’m reminded of how in the ten noble precepts, the ethical principles of buddhism, the only emotion mentioned is anger: “i vow not to unleash it but seek its source”
i used to have a lot of issues with anger, particularly seething, keeping it clamped down but also taking it out passive-aggressively.
i still deal with anger but now i sit with it as an important messenger. anger tells me that something is wrong but i can express it wisely, if at all
we all need mars. in a world like this especially, we all need anger. it tells us something hurt us or violates our principles.
i gather that to work productively with mars you have to be able to sit with, shape and temper your anger, being cautious and focused as you go
but thank you! it's something ive worked with a lot so im happy to share <3
isn’t that mars for you ?
i still deal with anger but now i sit with it as an important messenger. anger tells me that something is wrong but i can express it wisely, if at all
i gather that to work productively with mars you have to be able to sit with, shape and temper your anger, being cautious and focused as you go