- on the other, it can feel frustrating if you can't achieve a perfect playthrough in one go. Worse: maybe you don't even know there is a true ending. Plus, often the true ending is locked during first play, which also feels cheating.
There must be something else we can do to encourage replay.
There must be something else we can do to encourage replay.
Partially because I'm still impressed by what a mess was my first DA2 playthrough where I didn't know a thing about how BioWare games worked.
Bonus points for looping the ending(s) back around so the opening is cast in a new light
Kinda best of both worlds: you have a "true" ending each playthrough, but also encouraged to replay.
Can even be something like a "story atlas" screen that unlocks after the first playthrough: you see not visited branches, press and you're continue from that point
Multi-purpose again ahaha
A good solution would be to make all endings great endings.
Unfortunately experience taught us the vast majority of people will only commit to a single replay because they're not aware other playthroughs and endings could be significantly different.
Like with cinema, games are both art and entertainment/business, and some decisions have to keep the latter in mind.
The utmost free art form won't be achieved before we overcome capitalism (sooner, I hope!)
A lot of visual novels allow you to skip/fast forward through sections you've played and I think that's interesting UX
Furthermore, we do not negatively penalize immoral decisions, but rather they lead you to different conclusions.
The only issue I have with them is that they do have a true ending, so replay is a necessity