It was the Budapest Memorandum under Clinton. I can't believe (yet not surprised) that this administration screwed them over and threw this agreement out the window.
What the hell do you think a treaty is? That was the dumbest statement I've heard in a long time. So after every election, America's word and contacts are just not honored. That's bullshit and not what MY country is about. Learn some civics before you spout stupidity.
Yes, there are binding contracts. That's what makes it an agreement. Surprisingly the traitor in cheif who doesn't mind ignoring the constitution of his own country doesn't feel like he has to honor the contract with Ukraine, just like he never honored contracts with his businesses.He has no loyalty
The Federal Judges are still blocking him. So far they are the last seperate power still standing strong. We need to pressure the Rep congress so that they are more afraid of us than doing their job.
I COMPLETELY AGREE! Let's ALL contact these justices in SCOTUS and harass them! I'll send out my letters immediately! And hope I get a 'decent' response, unlike the ones I got from states senator and governors.
Technically no; we gave assurances, not guarantees... but at the same time, Ukraine's territorial integrity was effectively backed by every non-proliferation treaty ever signed. I doubt anyone will ever sign one again, and at this point the nations who already have are probably reconsidering.