Yes, I sometimes think drivers need training in these cycling techniques too. Because if you don’t understand the reasons, protecting your safety can look like just being an obstructive git
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If I’m taking the lane to go through a pinch point I make a dramatic manoeuvre back to the left as I emerge. I like imagine the driver behind thinking, “Ah, she was just making sure I didn’t pass her too close & protecting herself. I feel bad for muttering obscenities about her now that it’s clear!”
Yes, go as fast as you can through the pinch point in the hope they don’t get impatient and kill you. Then once it’s safe make a show of moving back over and slowing, to invite them to pass like the VIP they think they are…
Think you'll like this example. As a biker for many years I will use the lane, I will move nearer to centre of the road to try stop a dangerous overtake & I DGAF what if driver isn't happy. Unfortunately many won't do this & that's why we need more protective cycleways.
9 times out of 10 this ends with you catching up with them at the next traffic queue, and they’ve broken the law and risked your life to save exactly zero seconds