The Nazi judicial competence and procedure was established for the first time in a set of Directions (Richtlinien) decreed by Hitler in August, 1929. After 1933, the Führer ordered the present Chief Party Justice, Walter Buch, to change the USCHLA into a regular party judicial system.
Time to tie all of them up in lawsuits that will bring this craziness to an end. I am talking a massive number of suits like Trump used to delay his days in court. Use his lust for the legal system against him.
The voters in PA are getting exactly what they voted for! So sick of all the highlights, shock, and indignation. What do we DO about it? We just keep talking - but the people who voted him in are not listening.
What's significant here is that Shapiro had to file himself, as governor, stepping over his new republican attorney general because the AG declined to sue. PA is now joining the lawsuits against the Trump admin for this reason. So Shapiro may have to repeat this process for other issues.
This is what we should be trying to f’n stop.Orange Wannabe is just a useful idiot.
Look over here I’m making an executive order about straws!
We need to look past him to see the real threats.
I feel like this state is a good test of whether or not people will remain happy with the way they voted. PA did not HAVE to choose Trump. But they did… barely.
So if they can’t unfreeze this money, it’ll be interesting to see how they feel about their vote in a few months.
Really disappointed in Sharpiro and most of the other Democratic governors. I get that he's stuck with a Republican AG, but still feels like he dropped the ball here. Also feel like he's missing opportunities to sell how bad these cuts will be for PA's federal/state workers + defend civil servants.
You really have to wonder what the hell are these kids thinking who are breaking into govt systems and robbing people! When this is under control they will all be tried for this! It’s going to take teams of auditors to straighten this mess out! I’m a retired government auditor I’ll help!
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them...
Besides the IRA funds already distributed that they're trying to clawback, they are trying to issue waivers to favored states to use the funds as they please (Florida eg hasn't used any NEVI charger funding and let the money sit, waiting to be given waiver to use in general fund)
This should never happen in the United States. We have an unelected man from another country destroying our government. That is literally the conservative nightmare isn't it? Oh, but he's white, so it's fine? Fuck Elon Musk. Fuck Donald Trump.
Honestly, I was really surprised we went red. We def have our fair share of idiots but I really never would have guessed they it numbered us. I figured blue was in the bag this election. Clearly I was wrong, or something else happened.... (side eyes elon)
Look over here I’m making an executive order about straws!
We need to look past him to see the real threats.
So if they can’t unfreeze this money, it’ll be interesting to see how they feel about their vote in a few months.
oh well, I guess at least he's telling people to write their reps. lol.
I hope those voters keep yelling at Democrats.
My fear is that they won’t.
Same here in MA - $2 bil
that is what you voted for
Be happy fools