All they had to do was wait us out. We're the most sophisticated military on the planet; these guys were basically using rocks & sticks. I exaggerate, but it's close. They still picked us off consistently. And what you see in AFG today is not us winning.
GOP = The American Taliban
It’s not “Jesus-Lite”
It’s the Absence of his Gospel completely.
False religion
False god
False orange hued messiah, who’s the closest match for The Anti-Christ in the 2000 years since the prophecy of Revelations was written.
While it started with a system put together under Carter, it was under Reagan that Bin Laden and his group started getting American backing and training to further their aims in the area.
Sorry again for not being clear.
Sickening…. 🤢🤢🤮
It’s not “Jesus-Lite”
It’s the Absence of his Gospel completely.
False religion
False god
False orange hued messiah, who’s the closest match for The Anti-Christ in the 2000 years since the prophecy of Revelations was written.
While it started with a system put together under Carter, it was under Reagan that Bin Laden and his group started getting American backing and training to further their aims in the area.