Amen. Im 65 and us older folks not enamored by Fox can provide context to life before this WWE clown show of Trump, before Reagan started the trickle down lie.
I'm not big on conspiracies. For the Republicans, it's absolutely a group with major bucks. They meet and discuss, but I don't think any one person decides. Even the Koch Brothers or the one didn't want to donate to 47. So if he can't influence enough to get what he wants.....
We built segregated projects, atop lethal remote stripmines
We tore out great mass transit & schools; covered bulldozed Black business districts in freeways, for reactionary white-flight suburbanites (who've unleashed run-away AGW & sent our jobs, overseas). Is NPD/BPD that pervasive?
ok. that's terrible! I don't know much about it. But it doesn't make the other not true.
What great mass transit and schools are you referring to?
The government has been tearing down old neighborhoods for years. I understand both sides. It's hard all the way around. Who is AGW?
Westinghouse streetcars got employees to work, 24/7 as electrification spread up the valleys. GM, Firestone & Standard Oil basically bought politicians to build freeways through bulldozed "minority" neighborhoods, to force auto ownership. White-flight was subsidized AGW: anthropogenic global warming
We have an ugly history. I always thought President Eisenhower built the highways so that if we ever fought a war here, we would have the highways to mobilize. That's what I was told. Of course, I was lied to my entire life. From Catholic school to public. Many lies, lies of omission.
Know what you mean about Catholic school. My family worked in newspapers & I'd catch shit for knowing about Chiang Kai-shek, Formosa, Reza Shah or Võ Nguyên Giáp as a kid, because my divorced mom needed pur help as fact-checkers. We'd 3 BRILLIANT nuns who'd been terrified to leave the church.
Well, they WERE "national defense highways," but as with the autobahn, it was another boondoggle. We had 120mph electric GG1s running the NE Corridor in 1948. We pulled up more rail between the wars than other nations had at the war's peak. Why drag tanks & missile launchers into abandoned cities?
I turn 80 this year. These may feel like the worst times in our lives but the country survived other crises. I hate to say it, but our generation has had a part in the decay of our political society. Leaders are needed for change and they will be much younger. Meantime, we do what we can.
If you want perspective, we should discuss the USA of 1942. We were a different people then. Problems- of course. But enough will by a generation raised in the Depression who were willing to go to war. Women in factories, the GI bill, a new world order...
Then we discuss the reactionary backlash.
I'm more optimistic than that. It will be good again, but it will look different than what we had. We had so much more freedom in the way of going where we wanted, stayed outside, and we were reasonably safe. That's what the future won't have, or I don't think they will.
Under Eisenhower, a Republican president, the top tax rate was 91%, the US highway system was created, more public schools were built than the entire history of the nation previously and it was a continuation of new deal policies. Good times.
Highest marginal bracket during the Eisenhower administration was 91 percent. We built the interstate, vaccinated our children with the few vaccines we had, and funded great schools and R and D. Our total tax collections are too low, not too high.
Reagan and his trickle down economics was the beginning of the end of the American dream.... it is only gotten worse since then because right wing money has perverted our politics and given most of the power to those who already have the most wealth.
Perhaps, you should've seen past your portfolios, making out like bandits, as COVID upwardly redistributed our homes, indentured labor & "retirement" savings to PMC & Yuppies as we were forced to work SICK, uninsured, still infectuous with CARES Act safety-net, testing & rent relief killed for us?
I'm posting it in response to your graphic. At 73, I've seen little else than a largely foreign controlled, oligarchic duopoly perpetrating sadistic, smug fascism at home & imperialism abroad, without a say, choice or realistic way to effect change or defend fellow victims. When was US Fascism nice?
This was Pittsburgh's 2009 G20, gavaging lethal radium-flavored fracking brine on 875K & thousands of previously unseen blood cancers on kids. Afterwards Occupy, Iraq & BLM protests criminalized Constitutionally protected rights. Like Likud & NAFO: all Fascist but alright if opposition was radical?
It was a great time in history, I'm Canadian grew up in the ,,60-70's my dad worked mom stayed home, they owned a house in a good neighborhood and our school had a school nurse, we had our vaccinations at school, patents let teachers teach. It was a simple time. I had a great childhood 💕🇨🇦🍁
if the united states was like other countries we would do what they do which is the way it should be!after all that hes done and elon you remove their asses and put them on trial then in prison end of story and put a new president and administration in who is for the people!
I’m 75 & lived in a time when America was a great nation. DT & the Maga Republicans have destroyed what was. The rich are not paying their fair share of taxes & are taking away essential programs so they can become richer. I miss the America I grew up in! 😢☮️🇺🇸
Wow! And now the rich fuckers are tearing it all down. And your kind didn't build shit, true blue american workers did the building. All you and your kind did was Lord over it and brag about what you did, just like now! ESAD!
Things were far from perfect but in many ways they were SO much better!!I believe that the brainwashed MAGA crowd is referring to when the rich paid their fair share when they say Make America great again.They’re too stupid to realize it and are focusing on cultural grievances insteadTake me back!!
A convicted rapist named tRUMP and his cult of MAGAT’s won the presidential election and set about destroying everything America stood for.
His intentions have been to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.
He is taking away America’s freedom & liberties.
This was the biggest achievement — worldwide—!!!
How can dollars for food be a bad investment—for your future soldiers, for your future teachers, etc
We built segregated projects, atop lethal remote stripmines
We tore out great mass transit & schools; covered bulldozed Black business districts in freeways, for reactionary white-flight suburbanites (who've unleashed run-away AGW & sent our jobs, overseas). Is NPD/BPD that pervasive?
What great mass transit and schools are you referring to?
The government has been tearing down old neighborhoods for years. I understand both sides. It's hard all the way around. Who is AGW?
Then we discuss the reactionary backlash.
And Citizens United...
We brought down the USSR, just wanted live life.
Now we have to deal with putin and puppets
Are you suggesting that I have portfolios and made out like a bandit?
Especially his 90% marginal tax rate on millionaires!
We're not going back.
Might want to sit down when you find out.
Got rid of measles mumps and rubella.