Please read all of this. It's true. Although our Foreign Service personnel are now back in our systems this chaos puts their lives at risk. #USAIDfacts
Many people said we were over reacting to it does not exist. They are right on schedule, everything is planned out to the last detail.
Your orange faced rapist is THREATENING to put CANADA in the poor house, forcing it via tariffs into a country that is economically unviable. Tariff's means that you are funding the project.
Can't you keep your orange faced man-child under control?
Just sayin'
Dump Trump et al
Destroying America like no other- Impeach - Arrest
Rise up & call
U have to leave ur name and address for it to count
IT TAKES 2-3 miniutes
(202) 224-3121
Please spread the word to others
This might be our only hope
It would be like reading a 4000-page document to get all the facts.
There's a Bully in the Neighborhood, change the direction or the fear of change will prevail, never allow this change to happen.
Kinda like the Justice System and the spineless Judges giving Trump the Green Light to become the Bully Dictator of America.
Like what Trump is doing so far?
Destroying America like no other- Impeach - Arrest
Rise up & call
#OverturnTheElection #JailThemAll #IcelandDidIt #KoreaDidIt #SeizeTheirAssets #WhyTheFuckAreWeStillWaiting